Chapter 17 Dinner and Witchy Conversation

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Charlotte was dragging me round the clothe shops for bigger clothes “it is so warm” she complained “okay I’m going to changing into something less stuff then we can shop for baby stuff.” I nodded. And she left for the ladies. I sat down on a bench and waited. People were so dumb as the walk around doing day to day stuff they will never realise until its too late because the world is not as safe as they are lead to believe the most ruthless people are everywhere. WE are everywhere. Char came out and smiled “ready” I took her hand and we went round looking at baby stuff.

We arrived home after buying some stuff and I took it all upstairs, she came in holding candles “what are you up to love.” I questioned “when you told me I was pregnant you heard one heartbeat you should have heard two” the candles lit up. I left her too it and went to et her meal.

I arrived outside of town and looked around for someone suitable one of the things we have in comment is we both have taste. I entered a bar and ordered a drink “well hello there Mr” I turned round a young girl with black hair winked at me “hello love” I kissed her hand “what is a charming you man like you doing in this part of town.” She asked. “My wife was busy doing her little Juju so I decided to come and get a bite” she sat down next to me.

“Alicia Rutter” she introduced herself “Kol Mikaelson” I shook her hand, my drink came “it’s a shame your wife’s not here” she stated “whys that darling” I took a swig “because she can’t stop me from doing this” she leaned in and tried to kiss me “you will not kiss me. In fact you will sit back down and wait for further orders.” I compel her she did as I said “now do you have a car?” she nodded “get off me” a woman struggled “come on” I got up and walked to the woman who was struggling with a man.

“mate she said to get off her” I stood my ground “well guess what I don’t care” I turned him around “leave her alone and follow me” Alicia led me and Brad to her car ad we got in. she drove us back to the mansion, we got out.


The candles burned and I opened my eyes Emily was standing in front of me “hello Emily” I smiled “Hello Charlotte. Why have you called me here” she asked “as you notice I’m pregnant which should be impossible because I’m dead yet here we are. When I found out Kol said he heard only one but today its two I would like some information please.” I asked I shifted my stance “you have incredible power Charlotte it was not I who granted you fertility but nature itself” she told me.

“and I thank every living thing that is created buy nature, I’m not questioning my gift I never have but how can I go from having one child too, two? How is it possible” she walked around me “I have no answers Charlotte.” I groan “why do you hate me Emily. I’m a hybrid I’ve never killed anyone ever so why have you turned so bitchy” I relaxed on the comforter “you’re a vampire” I rolled my eyes “Emily.  You knew I never wanted to become one but the one who turned me said I had to.”

“Would you kill yourself” I shook my head “Emily I may not have want to be one but now that I am I wouldn’t want it any other way. I fell in love got married granted I was put in a box for 101 year but now  I’m about to start a family so all is good unless someone threatens that” I told her. “Ester is trying to threaten you family” I nodded “I know and she will pay. You said nature granted me fertility and I will protect it” she turned her head to me “Ester is going to try and kill you and your children. If you die the originals will be vulnerable especially Kol he’ll want to be with you no matter what which make them vulnerable. Whether you like it or not you’re the glue that now hold this family together because of who you are and who you carry. You and your children are this families Salvation” with that she disappeared.

I sat downstairs watching some pointless tv shown and rubbing my tummy. I heard a car pull up and three people get out. Kol came in with a man and a woman “dinner is served; we have the girl who tried to seduce me or the woman groper. Your choice” he grinned I cocked my head and stood up “humm did you see the wedding ring on his finger?” I asked she nodded “come on Alicia speak up” Kol encouraged “yes” a tear escaped her eye “oh don’t be so sad your not going to dad all your doing is saying sorry for trying to make a move on my man then you can go home with a little life lesson”

I smiled at her and bit into her neck and drank I could fell the buzz coming form my children. I bent over in pain and screamed “Char, what’s wrong” I screamed again before I reduced to panting “oh that bitch Is so going to pay” I dragged myself out to the car with Kol hot on my trial “Charlotte what the hell is going on!” he shouted “your wench of a mother is trying to kill me and our children, now get in the car and drive.” I climbed in and buckled up.

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