The Tell-Tale Heart: Through the Psychiatrist Eye.

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The Tell Tale Heart: Through the Psychiatrist Eye.

This story is from the point of view of the psychiatrist whom John goes to for a week until he killed the old man. Before the death of the old man, John goes to a psychiatrist every day for. After the death of the old man the psychiatrist giving his papers about what John told him when had an appointment/

John was just here a week ago. But you could see by his action that he different not like normal different, but very different from others. Every time he comes here you could see he was anxious. On Monday he went in the morning and he was talking about this old man he live for and that he was his benefactor. When John left after that, came the other day.

He told me more about the old man and him. "I never hated the old man I can't say where the first idea came from. But once it entered my brain it haunted me day and night. I had nothing against the old man. He was my benefactor. I loved him. He never wronged me. I didn't want his gold. I think it was his eye. Yes it was this! One of them had a pale blue film... It made my blood run cold." That all he told me on that day. For 3 days I been asking him some question and giving advices but he didn't seem to care at all it looked like he was thinking about something every time he comes. But I didn't quite get what he was saying he said " On the eight night." but I didn't really get what he was saying. I took a 3 days vacation I came back at Tuesday morning. John came in the morning with the police but he was suppose to be here in the afternoon he said he has to say something personal really person to him. The police waited outside. I was really curious of what it's about.

I sat down and asked him what's the hurry of coming here in the morning he started talking " Gradually I made up my mind to take the old man life... you think me still mad? But look how slowly and cautiously I proceeded. I was never kinder to the old man than during the week before I killed him. Every midnight I would open his chamber door, oh so gently. Then I would hold in a lantern, all closed so that no light shone cut. And then I would move in my head very slowly. So slowly it took me an hour to place my whole head within the opening. Would the madman do this? Cautiously, I undid the door of the lantern. So that a single ray would fall upon that horrible eye. For seven nights, I found the eye close and could not do the deed. For I did not hate the old man. Only his evil eye on the eight night, I was more than usually careful in the opening the door. I felt the full extent of my powers. I could hardly contain my feelings of triumph, and I chuckled with glee in spite of myself. He must have heard me, for suddenly the old man sprang up in the bed. " Who's there?" "He cried. For a whole hour I stood still and made no sound. In the meantime, I did not hear him lie back down he was waiting and listening in the blackness... As was I! Death filled the air. At length, I opened the lantern the tiniest of cracks. A ray shot out full upon the horrid eye! It was now wide open, and I grew furious as I gazed upon it. It chilled the very marrow of my bones! Now came my ears a low, dull beating, as of a watch wrapped in cotton. It was the old man's heart. Even then I remained still... So still I scarcely breathed. But the beating grew louder, exciting me to uncontrollable terror! Then a new fear seized me, what if a neighbor should hear the dreadful sound? I decided the old man's hour had come. With a yell, I threw aside the lantern and leapt into the room the old man shrieked, and I pulled him onto the floor, dragging the heavy bed over him. Slowly, I smothered out his life. For many minutes the heart beat on with a muffled sound. At last it stooped. The old man was dead. His eye would bother me no more. If you still think me mad. Precautions I next took. First I removed the corpse's limbs. I took up three planks of flooring and deposited all therein. I then replaced the flooring and arranged the chamber as if nothing happened."

John said after that the police came in and told him he had to go. He said thanks for your time. That when it came to me that John was really insane. But the heart beat that he heard could it be his or the old man? 

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2013 ⏰

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