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Money was never a problem in this household. With my father being a surgeon and my mother being a lawyer, money was constantly coming in our house. Notice I say house and not home- that's all this house is to me is a house. A house isn't a home if the love isn't there. A white modern mansion that a typical doctor would live in with his two daughters and law attorney of a mother. One of his daughters enjoying the many luxuries that out giving to her while the other doesn't care for any of it. Only the feeling of being loved was what she wanted. That she- is me.

My feet touched the expensive white plush carpet as I stood up from my Versace themed bed set. Any other fifteen year old would love to wake up to a room as big as an average apartment, decorated in expensive brands. Me, however couldn't seem to care because I wasn't happy with it.

Dry tears streaks stained my cheeks as I stared in the mirror. This was always what I woke up to from crying myself to sleep the night before. I go through a lot of things that my family would never assume. I'm not like my sister who is popular for what she has and her beauty- i'm taunted everyday by someone who doesn't care what I have or how I look.

I am emotionally and physically abused everyday by this person- well monster. Monster because only one would do the things he does to me to an innocent person. Tears and blood made him smile- while I would try to find a ditch and die.

School- the place where the terror begins. I walked into the courtyard of kids. It felt like they were all staring at me as If I was some sort of unknown creature, like I didn't belong.The walk felt like a lifetime from the courtyard to my locker.

What felt like the weight of a thousand tons hit my body as I fell into the lockers. Looking up I was greeted by him- Jacob Perez. He was the cause of most of the problems I have in my life.

"Hey, Monkey Rat," he said calling me the horrid nickname because of the way my face looked.

I held my breath, scared that even if I breathed the wrong way he would hurt me. My silenced made him angry because by now I was on the floor while he yelled at me, "didn't I say something to you? Answer me!"

I flinched before nodded my head only for it to be whipped to the side by the force of his hand. The hallway seemed to have cleared and it was only us two in the vacant hallways. He could probably kill me right now and get away with it. His hands traveled my body making my heart beat rapidly that If it continued it would suddenly stop.

The tardy bell ranged causing him to back away from me. "Best believe ima' see you later," he pushed me again, giving me one last glare before going to his class.

Mr.Collins talked on and on about the elements of the earth. Everything he was saying seemed to be a blur because my mind was focus on what Jacob had said once before this morning. it was currently third period and we had forty-five minutes left of the hour before lunch. My stomach began to cramp up causing me to clutch it.

"Yes, Tori?" Mr. Collins called on me as I raised my hand.

"May I go to the restroom?"

He nodded toward the signout clipboard before continuing with his lesson.

I clutched the piece of paper in my hand that was my pass to enter the hallways. Not that I needed to use the restroom, I just needed to collect my thoughts. It was just right there, only a couple feet left. Just past the janitor's closet and i'll be there.

But I never past it.

I was pulled into the closet with a hand over my mouth. Screaming and fighting the person only made them angrier because the person punched me in the face repeatedly.

I was on the floor by now, barely able to open my eyes. The person began to try to pry my legs apart while I screamed for him to stop.

"Shut the fuck up!" he yelled.

Make A Fool Of Me (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now