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After the incident, it was required that I had an investigation on what had happen. They first came to the house to investigate and ask Cassandra a million questions about molestation that could have taken place in the home. They figured some one here had done it since I wouldn't open my mouth.

They came out empty handed and the judge decided to just close the case because it was a waste of time if I wasn't going so speak.

Depressed- It was exactly what I was in at the moment. Here five months later, my stomach had grown to be huge. It made me upset to even look at myself in the mirror with this big belly that held inside a product of a monster.

A lot may say i'm crazy for keeping this child but I couldn't kill him or her. I'd rather just give it to someone else than kill it before it even got to live. I wasn't cruel like it's father.

My parents plane was found in Arkansas after being missing for almost two weeks. They along with all their co workers bodies were already decomposed when the plane was found. I didn't think it would affect me much until it finally set in that my parents were gone.

Since Cassie was over eighteen, she got to have excess to my parents bank accounts. With the money she paid for the house monthly mortgage and helped me with my health insurance.

She's been trying to buy me over but I continue to shut her down. I didn't want to be bothered with no one. No emotion was present in my body.

"Tori, when you don't eat, your harming the child," Cassie spoke with a tray in her hands. I continued to stare at the TV. I honestly didn't care if it ate or not, as soon as I have it, she's going off to another family. Life with me will be hell for him or her.

Silence filled the room.

Figuring that her presence was bothering me, she finally left the room leaving the tray on the table. Tears immediately left my face because I didn't like the feeling that I was feeling. I was so emotionless that it hurt, it hurt not to have feelings anymore.

School was no longer an option for me, I've decided to drop out because all it's ever brought to me was hell. I couldn't learn anything with the way I was mentally at the moment. Don't think I'll ever be ready.

I've never had a dream or a goal in life that dealt with education. It was a waste of time as I see and didn't plan on ever going back. My life in the future is unknown and i'll worry about it when it becomes time to.

The next day, I was sitting in the doctors office waiting for the the doctor to call my name. It was that time again for the baby to get it's check up and I dreaded every time. I was required to come to these appointment not only for the baby's health but because I was a minor, my sister had the say so on if it was mandatory. Obviously she made it mandatory if we're here at the moment.

Cassandra sat beside me flipping through the magazines while I bopped my leg up and down rapidly growing irritated at the fact that we've been here for twenty minutes and my name hadn't yet been called.

Time continued to pass as I waiting another five minutes until finally my name was called.

Cassandra and I followed the nurse as we walked through the doctors office. I received looks from nurses and other patients as we walked by. The same feelings I felt at school when I walked through the heartless students.

They assumed I was just another fast teen who ended up pregnant which was not my case. There was no need for me to stop and explain my situation. One, because it's none of their business and Two, there just gonna think what they want too anyway so why not leave them to? I feel as of they wanted to know what really happen they would ask.

The nurse led us to an empty medical room before doing my regular check. "How have you been Tori?" The hispanic nurse asked me as she began to wash her hands.

"Fine," I mumbled.

"That's good, that's good," she proceeded to place her gloves on, "has your diet been good? Have you been taking your vitamins?" She asked causing Cassandra to clear her throat.

"She refuses to eat anything I cook her and unless she's been going to get food on her own, she has not been eating," she said causing me to roll my eyes after the nurse pricked my finger.

"Tori, that is not good at all. The baby is at so much risk and you blood pressure is very low, this is not good," she repeated.

The nurse sighed before disposing of her gloves. "The doctor will be here shortly. Tori, I am very disappointed," the nurse said as if it was suppose to make me feel bad but it didn't. I was not emotionless and felt nothing.

After she left me and Cassandra sat in silence. She was no longer Cassie but Cassandra, No need to address her with the nickname anymore, she no longer deserved it.

The door opened revealing my doctor and the nurse that was previously here. I stayed silent as
the doctor sat down in his rolling chair and rolled in front of me.

"Michelle tells me that your sisters says you haven't been eating or taking your vitamins... This is not healthy Tori," the doctor said telling me something I already knew, "you keep up going like this and the baby will not survive."

Me and Cassandra drove home in silence after leaving the doctor's office.

"If you weren't going to take care of the baby, why did you even keep it?" She spat. I remained silent as we pulled into the driveway. My head was whipped to face Cassandra, "You have this attitude towards me as if I'm the cause of all of this. You can't blame me for not knowing what was going one, because you never opened your mouth to say anything. Two, because it isn't my job to watch your every move or your body language and all that other bullcrap. I'm doing everything I can to help you now so save me the disrespect Tori because I do not deserve it. I could have kicked your ass out right now and spent all the money dad left us on myself but I didn't because I care but your taking it for granite."

I snatched away from her with tears running down my face. Running to my room I lay on the bed crying loudly because I knew what she was saying was true. It wasn't nobodies fault but mine.

Not hers, mom, dad, or Jacob, but me. It was all my fault because I chose not to say anything.

A week later. Chris Brown's All Back played throughout my headphones as I lay on my bed with my music as high as it could go. I've stayed in my room over the course of the week, only leaving to go eat and shower.

I managed to avoid Cassie because I didn't want to face her just yet- the truth. She didn't bother checking on me either which I didn't mind because I loved to be by myself. I figured she no longer cared and I was glad.

Closing my eyes to go asleep, my leg was tapped causing me to jump almost yanking my headphones out my cellphone.

Cassandra stood at the foot of my bed with a package in her hand. "This was dropped off here for you, I figured I would give it to you," she said making me lift an eyebrow.

She sat it on my bed before exiting the room. I hurried and grabbed the package examining the mailing details. The name of who's home it was from was Chelsea Perez making me frown. It was addressed to me however. Opening the book a note was revealed.

Dear Tori,

You may or may not get this note. If you received this note I am already gone. I just wanted to apologize for what i've done to you these past fee years and what I've done to you a couple months ago. If finally dawned on me how wrong I was and figured I no longer deserved to live. You may never forgive me and I understand. I wish you and my child well, and once again i'm sorry.

-J. Perez

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2022 ⏰

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