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Cassie paced the hospital room as she waited for the doctor to give her information on what happen to her sister. She was traumatized when she found her sister in a puddle of blood lying in the middle of the floor naked. Bruises covered her body, black and blue.

"Tori, Owens?" the doctor called out coming into the waiting room. Cassie walked over there prepared to hear the worst. "Are you her guardian?"

"I'm her older sister Cassie, our parents are currently on a business trip right now so i'm the closest thing she has," Cassie told the doctor.

"Come with me, I will like to discuss her condition in private," he said instructing Cassie to follow him.

Going into an empty hospital room, the doctor brung Cassie in shutting the door. "Ms. Owens is fine and is currently recovering, now it is hospital procedure to keep a suicidal patient in custody for seventy-two hours," he said causing Cassie to thank the lord, "however, we've done some scanning and other test on her we've come to the conclusion that she was sexual assalted. Since she is a minor we had no choice but to contact the police. The good news is that their is no STD's but it is too early to determine if she is pregnant or not. It hasn't been seventy-two hours yet but the day she will be released is the day we find out, i'm sorry about your sister and I wish you guys well," Dr. Mitchell finished before escorting Cassie out of the hospital room.

Tears ran down Cassie cheeks after hearing that her sister had been molested. She didn't know how to swallow that fact. She pulled out her phone and began trying to come in contact with her parents. Unfortunately, Cassie was greeted with the automatic voice message system telling her that her parents were not available.

She sighed before going to the front desk asking for Tori's room number. "The doctor has ordered that she doesn't have any visitors until the detective arrives," the women at the desk said as she continued to type on the computer.

Cassie sighed before going back to the waiting room and doing just that- waiting.


Waking up, I was greeted with unfamiliar surrounds and two men dressed somewhat casual standing over me. Startled, I flinched back only for pain to shoot through my body.

"Good evening Ms. Owens," one of the men said, he was a tall, bald caucasian man with piercing blue eyes. I stared at him wondering why he, along with the other man was currently in my room and not any of my family members. I don't even remember coming here, the last thing I remember is passing out after I relieved myself from the heavy weight on my chest.

"I'm Detective Hugo and this here is my partner Detective Mitchell," he said showing me his police badge letting me know he was a real detective, "the doctor told us that from your condition you seemed to had been sexual assaulted. Since you are a minor, it is our job to find out who did this to you. We need you to tell us what happen. Your parents can get into serious trouble if you don't tell us what happen."

I kept silent as they both stared at me ready to say something. My eyes watered as the horrid scene played through my mind of the events that occurred just yesterday. Tears fell down my cheeks as they continued to stare at me.

"I know this is difficult for you, but I won't be able to help you if you don't tell me what happen," the other detective said who was African-American.

"Get out," I said quietly.

"Miss. Owens-" the white detective started but I cut him off.

"Get out!" I screamed as tears ran down my cheeks as I began to cry aloud.

Nurses ran into the room from my outburst along with a doctor as they looked at the detectives. I cried loudly because of the pain I was going through right now. I don't know what I did to deserve this but I just wanted it all to go away. The pain was overtaking me like a force that I couldn't push away. It constantly taunted me as I cried myself to sleep every single night. Bruises would cover my skin from the damage he caused every single day. No one would ever do anything to stop it.

I just wanted it all to go away. I wish my sister hadn't found me in my bathroom so that I could have bleed to death and leave the misery. I wanted everyone to leave because they were never there for me when it was happening but now they want to be here because it's too late.

Everyone left the room and left me alone as I cried loudly looking at the roof above.


Two days later, I was in my hospital room waiting for the doctor to bring me my discharge papers and the results of my pregnancy test. I haven't said a word to no one the past two days because I felt empty inside.

My parents hadn't called to check on me at all. My situation has hit the news and now the whole world knew about what happen to me. Nurses constantly tried bringing me in flowers and cards from people who wished for me to get well, I rejected them all.

I didn't need their sympathy. They're only sympathetic because I harmed myself. I knew somebody at my school beside me knew what he was doing to me. Someone had to have seen when he pushed my books out my hands or slapped me against the lockers. Someone had to have heard my screams coming from that closet.

Cassie was packing my things up as I started off into space. Thinking about everything that had happen in my life. I rejected her sympathy out of all of them. I blame her, along with my parents for not paying attention to me.

The doctor returned to the room with two papers in his hands. One was my discharge papers and the other was my results.

"Miss. Owens, I have the results of your pregnancy test," the doctor said stating the obvious, "unfortunately you are pregnant, the fetus is beginning to form confirming that you are fertilized."

Cassie dramatically cried loudly while I just stared at him. I didn't feel a thing at the moment.

"There are different ways that you can get rid of the child. Since the fetus has not quite yet formed, we recommend the abortion pills. I suggest you take them while you are this early, the earlier you take them the less pain you will have to go through," he said.

I continued to stare at him while Cassie came over to my side and tried to hug me but I pushed her away. The doctor left the room for me to discuss with Cassie what I wanted to have done. However, I told her to get out because she was annoying me with her pity act. I laid back on the bed as tears began to run down my face because it finally hit me-

I was pregnant with that monster's baby.

Rewritten on 7/1/15

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