First Day of School

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"Lilly,can't you hurry up!You're late for the first day of school."
These are the same words my mom shouts at me if its the first day of school.

I ran down the stairs while tieng my hair into a ponytail.I'm not really comfortable if my hair is not tied in public.

If my classmates describe me by one word and it would be shy.I am always shy on people I am not close with,but if I'm with my friends I'm always energetic and funny.

My mom shouted at me again while pointing at her watch.I hurried in the car and mom drove quickly to the school.

I kissed my mom goodbye and went to the high school office to claim my new key to the locker.
"Name?"The secretary asked.I noticed that the secretary was new.
"Lilly Haven"I answered.
The secretary searched the drawer for my key and she gave it to me.I thanked the secretary and left the office.

"Hey Lil's!"I heard someone calling from behind me.I turned around and saw Karen waving together with Pia and Erika.

I ran to Karen,Pia,and Erika and we four sqealed with excitement.
"I can't believe this is our last year in junior high school!"Pia sqealed.
"Ikr"Karen answered.
I smiled to my friends and hugged them.

Erika pushed me and complained,"Stop being so affectionate!"
The four of us laughed and checked the bulletin board for our sections.

"Nooooo!"Karen shouted.All the students in the corridor looked at us.
"Why?"I asked.Karen pointed at her name on the section D list then Karen pointed on my,Pia's,and Erika's names which were on the section A list.

"OMG!!!I'm so sorry."We heard a voice from behind but,we knew who it was.She was none other than Cathy Collins the most popular girl slash number one school bully in school, together with her friends Riley Woods and Lara Hatchings.

"Seriously Karen section D?Those students there are such noobs."Cathy complained.She and her friends laughed.
"Don't even!"Erika defended.
"It's not my fault that your stupid friend here is in a section that students are considered with low IQ"Cathy said like she was so intelligent.

Erika was about to start a fight and lucky for me I stopped her.I don't want to go to the principal's office on the first day of school.

Cathy and her friends left while laughing.Karen ran to the girl's washroom.Me,Pia and Erika followed Karen.

"I'm such a noob!Mom is right I am a shame to the family."We heard Karen talking to herself as we enter the washroom.

"Karen are you here?"Pia called.
"Who do you think it is?"Karen said sarcastically.
"Oh come on Karen stop being emotional.What Cathy said isn't true."Erika said.
Karen stepped out from her stall looked at Erika with tears on her eyes and then her eyes were filled with fury.
"You just don't understand anything Erika.I always wished you weren't here cuz you just don't care!"Karen stormed out the washroom and me and Pia looked at Erika.
"Ugh!!!!She's sooo emotional."Erika ran out the room with fury in her eyes.

Me and Pia looked at each other.Erika and Karen are always fighting that is why it was not surprise for us.
"We're back to school Lil's."Pia said sarcastically.

The school bell rang and me and Pia hurriedly ran to the classroom.We saw Erika at the back of the row.
"Hey Erika!"Pia called.
"Don't talk to me bitch"Erika replied.Pia was used to be called "bitch" or "asshole" by Erika that is why Pia is not even offended.

Me and Pia sat beside each other (cuz Erika doesn't want us to sit beside her)and we whispered some gossips with each other about summer.

Erika looked at us angrily and we didn't even know why so we just ignored her cuz she was always like that.

"Good morning girls.I'm Ms.Harrison your adviser for the rest of the school year."The new adviser greeted.The whole class greeted back.

We all seated on our seats and Ms.Harrison passed us papers.
I read the paper and it says:

"We are who we are"

We all looked to Ms.Harrison and she smiled.
"We are who we are"Ms.Harrison repeated.
"And nobody would drag us down not even the nastiest word that a person tells you.What matter what other people think about you is no importance,but what you think about yourself is important.Everyone deserves the right to be respected whether your a boy or a girl or rich or poor.Just have self-confidence then you'll survive in this school year"Ms.Harrison lectured.

We all looked shocked.We didn't know why Ms.Harrison lectured us about this stupid thing.

"For your activity make a collage that expresses your personality"Ms.Harrison explained.Ms.Harrison distributed colored papers, coloring materials ,and recycled materials and we all started making our collage.✂✏

After one hour the school bell rang.We passed our finished collage to Ms.Harrison and stepped out the room for recess.

"I felt like I was in kindergarten Lil's!"Pia exclaimed in happiness.
"Kindergarten memories!"Me and Pia sighed.

We waited for Erika and Karen on our usual spot in the cafeteria beside the freshmen's table.All those conversations that we heard from the freshmen reminded of us when we were freshmen also.

Erika plopped her tray on our table.She looked really mad.Then Karen shoved Erika and placed her tray on our table and it turned out pretty ackward.Nobody was willing to start a conversation.

Me and Pia excused ourselves to the washroom then we went to the washroom and ate their so that we could have a private conversation.
"Ugh!I'm sick of those two fighting all the time"Pia complained.
"Let's just ignore them for a bit "I said.

After we ate we left the bathrooms and went to the science room for our next period.

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