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*rosslynch liked your photo*
*rosslynch sent you a dm*
*rosslynch started following you*

rosslynch:beautiful. i know you?

rosslynch:nope, just your average stalker.

athenabrooks:your a creep.

rosslynch:well i'm offended.

athenabrooks: good, you should be. i've seen your posts.

rosslynch:ahh, like what you see?;)

athenabrooks:don't flatter yourself.

rosslynch:i charm pretty easily.

athenabrooks: get over it.

rosslynch:no can do.

athenabrooks:whatever, your annoying.

rosslynch:aren't you going to ask me my name?

athenabrooks:i know your name.

rosslynch:no you don't.

athenabrooks:tell me your name then.

rosslynch:ross shor lynch, yours?

athenabrooks:ooh, can i call you shor!

rosslynch:no, i prefer ross.

athenabrooks:whatever you say, shor.


hey everyone, i'm changing the story because i didn't like it but it will still be the same just longer. sorry about the confusion :)

-katie xoxo

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