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Okay. I'm dead. That's it. I'm dead. This is all a random last dream kind of thing. My name is Micha. And I wish I could say this is a love story. But that isn't quite the case.


Oh crap. Okay, so I have been daydreaming. Now I've been caught. Goodbye world. I am about to be sacrificed to the science frog dissection gods. Leave my candy stash to my brother. So long-

"Micha! Jeezus are you alive?!?!" I love Lacey and everything but leave a girl to daydream.

"Huh?" I reply, rolling my eyes.

"We need to discuss the placement of the lungs!" Lacey rolls her honey brown eyes, annoyance and exaggeration present.

Right now I was in the wonderful, graceful, and elegant procedure of frog dissection. And I refuse to be the surgeon. I won't even touch that thing. And right now, my best friend Lacy was desperately trying to hold down the flaps of its skin with the little pins.

"Well what do you want me to do? Kiss it?" I shoot back, making just faces at her.

"Ew. No. Just write down the placement!" She was now frantically trying to cut the jaw open before class ended.

"Fine." I groaned. "What do you need me to write?"

"Well, the lungs have a weird as hell pinkish color-"

"Like your face when you run into poles?" I interrupt, smirk on my face.

"We do not speak of that moment!" She glares at me and I laugh.

It's the first week of school at Creekwood High School and we are already making imaginary couples and predicting the fights. This happens every year with me and Lacey. It's our little circle of life

Lacey and I first met in second grade when I moved here to Creekwood. Her hilarious personality and light brown hair and eyes made us click immediately. The year was filled with sleepovers, play dates and giggles. When you look at us we look like polar opposites. Lacey is tall, thin and pale. Where as I am shorter, almost black hair, tan, and chubbier. It's not fat it's fabulousness. Maybe I just don't feel like running around and kicking a ball all day okay?

"Alright class! Pack up." The biology teacher, who I swear to God must have been there for the ice age pulls me out of my thoughts and I finish writing the stupid report.

Lacey and I debate about music as we weave our way through the crowds to lunch.

"But not all pop music is just whining, and mindless droning of words! Okay maybe most of it but that's not the point." I whine. Lacy just laughs as we approach the big maroon doors leading to the cafeteria.

Ahh high school lunch. A wondrous area filled with the aroma of desperation and "meat". Lacy makes her way to her table and I head to mine. I have a lot of friends, but I wouldn't say i'm popular. It's complicated. Now, the perfect popular kids sit on my side of the room but they have their own 4 tables out of the 18 in the room. Now there, no one goes unless you are gorgeous and do not care about your virginity or just maybe are a pothead. But if not, then welcome to the rest of us! I head over to my waiting nerd herd and plop my backpack down under the table. Maybe not nerds but more like geeks. Maybe I just wanted to say nerd herd after the nickname Lily's mom gave us.

Arlene Reynolds is the one we all call Ari. If you wish to speak in stereotypes she's the fangirl. Doctor Who fanfiction and merch all day. Now Columbia Forte is our little (hipster) white girl. Sydney Clintwood, who we lovingly call Squidney, is our overly sarcastic person who melts at the sight of anything adorable. Mary Smith is the quiet pretty girl with no motor skills. I can relate with the no motor skills. And last but not least there is Lily Brown our hilarious band geek. (Trust me they are not all that stereotypical. They are freaking awesome and terrifying, but for introduction's sake, let's keep it that way for now.) And then there is me. The clutzy drama and choir nerd. Apparently i'm adorable due to my small height. Which is so not fair.

"Hey Mai! Look what Columbia got me!" Ari is almost jumping up and down with the excitement of two year old on potty training day. Which is adorable. Today is a very special day. Ari's birthday. So we have all decided to round up and get her a giant bag of presents all to be opened now. Ari holds up a bag of pumpkin spice latte mix. Oh this is going to be hilarious.

"I know, I know i'm amazing." Columbia batts her eyes and flips her hair. "Now open the rest!" I roll my eyes and look across the lunchroom to meet Lacy's eyes.

"Save the eating of candy for me! I go get food." I laugh as Columbia takes the package of coffee mix and tries to decipher the recipe for her own evil uses.

I make my way up to the line where Lacy is and take out my phone. Stupid group texts. Honestly who the hell thought it was a good idea? I look up and run into something hard. And tall. All of a sudden all I can see is red juice and I am falling. A scream and a shout and everything goes black.


*throws glitter everywhere* Okay! this is the improved first chapter because the other one sucked.... But I hope you like it! The goal is to finish this by the end of the month!

Now to clean up that glitter......

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