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Breken's point of view

This girl is pretty. Dark wavy hair with cherry red hints at the ends is tied back into a long thick braid. She's tan compared to the other girls i've dated(but still light skinned. Which is weird but don't question me) and almost a whole two feet shorter than me. Black long eyelashes frame equally as dark round eyes. Her coal colored eyes and slightly curly hair tell of latin blood. Navy glasses frame her eyes and the falling snowflakes catch on her eyelashes making an effect from a movie. I can tell she isn't wearing makeup and it seems to be something other girls would be envious of. She hasn't noticed me staring at her as we walk in silence. She seems dazed but stares straight ahead stepping over patches of ice.

    "Are you okay there?" I wave my hand infront of her face. Maybe I gave her a concussion?

"Yeah....I think. Just surprised you waited. Just a small headache but i'm fine really..."

"Well I hope I didn't hurt you too bad. Do you need help with that?" I motion to her backpack and coat, hanging loosely from her small hands.l

"That would help yeah." Instantly she blushes. Cute.

"So I could give you a ride home if you want."

"Umm sure. I honestly don't feel like driving today."

"I don't think you should either" I smile at her and she slightly blushes, a grin taking over her soft face. But she doesn't reply. Something about that grin stirs an unknown feeling in my gut. I want to see more of it, it's almost nostalgic. Classic.

We both walk out of the school to the parking lot. Only one car remains other than mine. My red mini cooper and a Honda parked all the way across the lot. My father got it for me when I made the varsity team as a freshman. I thought it was a bit too much it there's no stopping that man when it comes to football. I turn my attention back to the girl And make enough small talk about grades and what classes she takes. Dear God this is awkward.

"Wait, what period do you have photography?" There is only two periods of photography in the entire school. One for freshman and sophomores and one for Juniors and Seniors. And this girl does not look like a freshman.

"Third. I'm pretty sure you have it with me too..."

"What time is it by the way?"

"Around 3:00. I pulled some strings and got us excused. By the way what's your name?"

Her head snaps up and she holds my gaze anger clouding her head.

    "You know what? Nevermind. I can drive myself. Thanks for the freakin' offer"

She spits the words out, her dark eyes clouded with anger. Okay then? I'm stunned. No one has ever rejected a ride from the Breken Michals. Oh hell no. Confusion takes over my expression for a moment then I bring it back in and replace it with my collected facade again. When I focus again I realize that she's half away across the lot running back to her car and had taken her bag from my hand. Crap.

    "Wait!" I jog towards wherever the girl is going and try to get her to stop. "I'm sorry! I just don't remember!" She's already too far ahead. She doesn't reply but just drives away. I don't know what to do. Was it something I said? I walk back to my car and get in. My mind is clouded with her image and her voice. I can't think straight. But some other voices come up. A small girl...

Micah. Micah!

It's Micha! Oh god what have I done? I lost her again. I always lose her... I turn on the car and drive home. Of course it's Micha you idiot, the hair, the eyes, the height. Oh fuck.

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