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I freeze in my path. Crap. Crappity crap crap crap. What do I say? He's just sitting there. I'm just standing here. Dear lord I can't move. Oh I look horrendous probably. Breken looks me up and down and slowly stands up. Oh he's tall. Like towering over me tall. I can already tell that and he's at least 10 feet away from me. Oh crap he's walking towards me. He stops in front of me and almost seems nervous but keeps his nonchalant act up.

"Um..I'm Breken. I'm really sorry for sort of knocking you out. I really didn't mean to and I feel really bad for doing it. So, just wanted to make sure you were okay." Breken cooly puts out the words without hesitation. I on the other hand can not function like a human. I just stand there like an idiot, my mouth wide open just staring. I mean, who wouldn't? Breken has a red and white baseball shirt on that just perfectly shows off his...physique. Pair that with his jeans and vans. Ready? Now add the jawline and perfectly styled dirty blonde hair. Got it? Now add striking green grey eyes. Now, cue the swoons.

"Are you okay there?" Breken is waving his hand infront of my face. Snap out of it Micha! Some switch turns on in my brain and I feel a surge of confidence.

"Yeah....I think. Just surprised you waited. Just a small headache but i'm fine really..." Woah! It's a miracle! I said something! Applause!

"Well I hope I didn't hurt you too bad. Do you need help with that?" Breken motions to my backpack and coat, hanging loosely from my hands.

"That would help yeah."

"So I could give you a ride home if you want."

"Umm sure."

We both walk out of the school to the parking lot. Only one car remains other than mine. A red mini cooper, most likely Breken's. Dang. I must have missed the bus. Breken makes enough small talk about grades and what classes I take.Dear God this is awkward.

"Wait, what period do you have photography?

"Third. I'm pretty sure you have it with me too..." I feel confused. He asked me for a pencil a week ago.Breken just stays silent.

"What time is it by the way?" I brush off the confusion, and ignore the growing feeling of doubt in my stomach.

"Around 3:00. I pulled some strings and got us excused. By the way what's your name?" his smooth voice almost hides the confusion in his voice. Almost.

The doubt turns into rage and sadness. Now that sentence just shattered my heart. He might as well have ripped it out and fed it to a lion. Of course I thought he changed. Of course he didn't. I'm so stupid. My breath catches and I glare at him.

    "You know what? Nevermind. I can drive myself. Thanks for the freakin' offer" I spit out the words, venom in them.

Breken seems taken aback. Almost surprised. Yeah right. I pull my backpack from his hands and march towards my car on the other side of the lot. A black honda civic, it looks pathetic next to the shiny red of his, which just spites me more. I throw my backpack into the trunk and fumble for my keys in my bag. I pull out the panda bear lanyard that my dad gave me for christmas before the accident. It has all of my keys and a mishmash of keychains and pins. It looks like a hot mess to be honest but it means so much to me.

"Wait! I'm sorry! I just don't remember!" Breken has finally decided to come around and is now jogging towards me. I find the car key and unlock the door. I toss my bag in and flip the jackass the bird. I slam the door shut and drive off. The tears well up and so many years or pain come rushing back into me. It's raining now too. Fucking perfect. I pull over and grab my stash of chocolate in the glove compartment. Every girl needs one okay?

He doesn't even remember my name. Have I really changed that much? Did he really just erase me from his life that quickly?

The hours pass by and I stop crying. I end up pulling a book and a coke out and start to read until the sun starts to set. To clarify, I have a box/cooler that I keep in the back with food. My emergency books and music are in the glove compartment with the chocolate. I spend a lot of time in my car for freshman year so now it's just convenient. When I realize the sun is setting I start to drive home. So much for a good day.


Hey! So I lost some of you guys.... But hi to those who stayed! The chapters are really short right now but that is because there are going to be some long ass chapters in here.

So I would like to know, Who are you guys? Tell me! I don't have that many followers so....

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