Not what it seems like...

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The song is Derek's POV later in the story little hint: the eye contact.

Next day came and went in a blur. Preparations for funeral were finished and funeral was tomorrow. Every time I remembered her, I felt tears stinging in my eyes, threatening to fall. I learned of what happened between Argents and Hales. I can't say I'm ashamed by my fathers and sisters actions, but she's dead. I can't really hold it against her now, can I? But Gerard, he's another story. He disowned me as his daughter long ago, and finally I found the strength to do the same. He's not my father any more. Now all I have left are Cris, Alison and Victoria. Not much, but family is family.

I ceased my train of thoughts as car came to a stop. I opened the door and took an uneasy step out of the car. Graveyard was flooded with reporters. Our 'bodyguards', which were actually our fellow hunters  that were a part of Argent group, made space for us to pass. Cris and I walked side by side and Alison and Victoria were right behind us. We took our seats in front of Kate's grave. That was when he arrived, with two of his lapdogs. He made a show of breaking a kid's camera, a teen that snuck past the police officers and was taking pictures of us, and walked towards us. We made a show of hugging each other like a real family should. Short after a priest started the ceremony. Somewhere in the middle of it I stopped listening. I heard two voices somewhere in the graveyard behind us. Using my superhearing i listened to them.

'Scott this is a bad idea, what if we get cought?'

'Stiles stop worrying  all the time, if anyone snucks to us I'll hear him, werewolf hello...'


I took a deep breath and the wind carried the scent of a human, and in deed a werewolf. Wait, Scott, wasn't that Alison's ex-boyfriend? Then I heard sheriffs voice and shufling of fabric, few 'au's ' and footsteps, three of them, leading away. Oh i guess they ended up cought after all, so much 'bout werewolf hearing... I concetrated back on the priest.

After funeral we all went home. Dinner was quiet, awkward, and as soon as it ended I practically ran out the house. I felt trapped. When I reached The forest line I really did ran. In my human form I could run as fast as a were, but in my wolf form I'm even faster. But tonight I ran at human pace, or at least at a pace of a very fast human. I knew there were were's around now and I couldn't afford to blew my cover yet. I like to keep my cards close. About after seven minutes of running I heard footsteps close to me, too quiet for a human. I made sure to ran as a human, smashing my feet loudly against the ground. I came to a clearing and stopped in my tracks, there is was, the Hale house black from smoke and eaten by fire. Footsteps were getting closer and I made a show of catching my breath, knowing I was in a hearing distance now. A tall man with black hair emerged in a clearing, that's all I could see from a corner of my eye and I heard him getting closer. Of course I ignored him in favor of my human character I was now in. I looked at the house a little beter, taking deep breathes trying to 'catch my breathe' and I smelled an Alpha, he smelled sad, and... uncertain? But definitely angry. Oh boy!

'Hey, this is a private property!' He shouted. I smirked then made a scared face and turned aroiund while jumping with a squil of fright. I put my palm above my heart and gave him an angry look.

'What the hell man, you almost gave me a heart attack! Are you crazy? You can't sneak up to people like that.'

'You shouldn't be here, this is private property.'

'And there you go again, you sound like a broken record.' I could smell he's anger rising, but like I gave a damn.

He made a step towards me and I made a step back. 'You should go.' He said lowly and threateningly.

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