Not broken yet...

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The next day I drove Allison to school, she insisted that I meet her friends. As we walked across school parking lot, the smell hit me. It was those two boys from the Graveyard. We reached them where they were standing with another girl. She was a strawberry blond and had green eyes. All three of them smiled at Alison, but then tensed seeing me with her.

'Hi guys.' She said as she hugged the taller boy. Werewolf.

She turned to me 'This is my aunt Rosalie, Rose this is Scott, Stiles and Lydia.'

'Wait, you have another aunt?!' The boy with buzz cut hair asked, Stiles.

'Yes...' Alison gave them a look.

Scott glared at me as Lydia asked 'So Rosalie, are you in family business too?' she raised an eyebrow at me as Stiles joined Scott at glaring a hole in my head. Alison shifted nervously. She had a lot of arguments with Cris these days, she refused to become a hunter.

'Yes, and no.' I said smirking when they got irritated. 'what is that suppose to mean?' Scott asked angrily and earned himself a jab in the ribs by Alison.

'School parking lot is no place to discus it.' i simply stated. they nodded, and then the bell rang. I said bye to Alison and walked away.

I reached the car and started driving home. All the while thinking about Derek. Ugh, love sick already!

I parked the car and ran in taking special care not to bump in Gerard. I took my bow and quill of arrows which I put on my back. I also took a silver dagger and strapped it on my belt. I ran out again and headed for the woods. i loved the fact that, when I transform back to human form, I still have my clothes and weapons on. You gotta love magic. I shifted and ran, my black fur glistening on the sun.

I spent the whole day in the woods. Chasing dears and occasionally shifting back to practice my archery. It was already dark when I headed back. I heard howls in the distance. Werewolves. Being the curious wolf I am, I decided to investigate. Still in my wolf form I headed in the direction of the howls.

I stopped as I heard voices. 'Where is he? We have to talk to him.' Stiles, I thought, it has to be him.

'I don't know, but he'll come.' Scott. In my curiosity I didn't realized that I was moving forward.

'call him again.'

'Damn Stiles do you want me to attract every damn supernatural in whole Cali...' he stopped, and the next thing I know I was facing a pissed off, growling beta.

'What the hell is that?' Stiles' panicked voice reached me. While human, I looked and smelled human. But while wolf, well I smelled like one but I was much bigger. like Big as a pony big. So yeah, not natural, supernatural. Hahahaha. OK be serious now.

'I don't know.' Scott growled behind his fangs, and then pounced to attack. I moved to my left to avoid him. I didn't want to hurt my mate's friend. And he was Alison's boyfriend. He continued to attack and I kept avoiding him. At one moment he managed to slice my shoulder with his claws, and I whimpered before growling deep and warningly. Then the third growl was heard and a pissed of Derek was in front of me. His eyes shining red as he growled for Scott to back off. he did so, exposing his neck in the process. He shifted back and stood next to his friend protectively. Derek turned to me.

'You OK?' he asked, and I nodded as my shoulder already healed.

'You know him?' Both boys asked.

'Her.' Derek simply stated turning back at me. 'Gonna shift?' i thought about it. So what if they find out my secret. I already know Scott's a werewolf. So I shifted back and their eyes grew wide.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2016 ⏰

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