28. Control

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Hello Everybody! I'm sending you all positive vibes in hopes you are all doing well during this quarantine. It has been way longer than planned, but I am back and the end to this fic is close at hand. I've enjoyed reading your comments and I know how long you've all been waiting for this update! Enjoy <3 


Darkness. It surrounded your whole body, you couldn't even tell if your eyes were open, but you could feel something watching you. Something breathing over your floating body. A light blooms from the corner of your eye and you glance over to find yourself back in your old room. Your bed, so warm and cozy, you never wanted to leave. Maybe it was all just a bad dream. Maybe... You shot up quickly.

"Mom!" You bolted out of your room into the living room, " Dad! 

When you got to the dining room you stopped in your tracks, there they were. Alive and breathing right in front of you. Your mother looks up at you and smiles at you, tears begin to stream down your face in happiness as you run to give her a great big hug. As you hug her, she slowly turns to ash in your hands.

"No! No, no! Please, come back. I'm sorry." You look to your father who suddenly turns to ash before your very eyes and the whole room disappears leaving you once again in darkness. 

You fall to the ground sobbing, you slam your last hand into the ground, muttering to yourself, "Why? I want to go back."

"Give me control." A voice whispered.

"What?" You glance up frightened out of your mind, looking everywhere you possibly could. 

"Give me control and you can have this forever." Suddenly, you were in your house again. Your parents sitting down at the table once again.

"Sit, Honey." My mother patted the seat next to her, smiling at me.

"She made our favorite." My father licked his lips at the meal in front of him, " Steak is the best."  

You start to walk to them and you find yourself sitting down on the chair. This felt comfortable, this is where you belonged. This is home to you, everything you knew and missed.

 "Now, just give me control." The voice spoke once more, soft and distant.

"Come now. We don't have much time." You heard another voice come out of nowhere speaking a bit rushed. You turn around to see Pietro moving his hand closer to what seemed to be you.

You remembered this, it was the day you both met. He is the reason you lived to see another day.  You watched the memory play out in front of you.

"No! Don't touch me!" You watch your doppelganger in front of him look down and as though he's speaking to you, you smile muttering with her, "I'd rather die."

You turn back around ready to accept the reality in front of you. You had already caused so much harm and pain to everyone you could never face them for what you've done. Living here in this world like nothing ever happened is so much better. 

"The past can be painful and this present may be frightening, but the future will be beautiful. You won't get to see it if you die."  Your eyes go wide and you feel a familiar warmth surrounding you. This is it. I was always home. I wanted to see him. He's here with me I can feel him.

"No!" The voice roared.

"I want to see him," I spoke out.

"No! Give me control!" The voice angrily demanded.

"I want to live," I spoke louder.

A growl filled the room, "How dare you! Do you even know who I am? I..."

"No, but this is my body, therefore my rules! Have some respect." You harshly interrupted.

This was the last straw, now it became apparent to you that she was not a part of you. All this time, the voice in your head was not your own. You have no idea how she got there, but that will have to wait. She needed to understand that she was occupying your body and at this very moment she was being very rude to you. 

"Where are you? Show yourself?" You commanded.

A figure manifested right before your very eyes, a woman in a long, red gown with bronzed skin. Her hair was long and almost look like it was fire itself. She gracefully took a step forward and then crossed her arms trying to look down on you, but I wasn't working out to well since she was around the same height as you. 

"Who are you?" you asked.

"The simplest answer that you can understand is I am an element," A smirk suddenly appeared on her face. " But not just an element, I am..."

"Yeah, your fire. I can tell." 

"Are you going to keep interrupting?" She glared at me, "Or are you going to let introduce myself and explain how I got here? I'll keep it brief."

"My bad. Please explain," 

" As I was saying, I am Ogynyena, an element. The only fire element goddess. We elements need a host to grow, for ordinary elements, it's easy. They choose a baby and they grow with them, but that also means the possibility of them choosing someone who will awaken them is low. You all have referred to my race as a conscience, spirit guide, deities, and so on. Only 4 goddesses are born in a lifetime: Air, Water, Nature, and moi." She gestured to herself. "Unfortunately as a special element, I needed to find a special body that could contain my power. I needed to find one that already had a bit of fire in her body. See this is you, " She grabbed my hand, palm up and a light red flam appeared, then she showed her palm and an orange-yellow flame appeared, " and this is me. Mine is much prettier if you ask me, but as I was saying this was all imprinted on me as a baby ember before I set out to find my host: you."

"If you're supposed to support me, then why did you try to conquer me?" You give her a confused look.

 "It was irritating and boring. I tried to help, but you just never listened. You wanted to die, and it would have happened if I had done nothing. In the cell, I moved your legs. After that, I started to test out some stuff and I realized that I can alter reality here. Then you finally heard me and I thought 'Hey, time to get out and have some fun." She shrugs.

"Wait, that nightmare was you 'testing'?" You recalled the woman yelling at you in the burning city, being tied up in the forest, and the drowning in water. 

"Yeah, all to make this dream world for you, while I took my time in the sun. For what? For nothing now. Now, I'm just going to be stuck here by myself. Alone with no one to talk to."

"I was never alone." You mumbled to yourself, then look up at her. " You aren't alone, because I can hear you now. Awkwardly enough, you can control my body too. I won't ignore you anymore."

She starts to relax a bit, lifting on the eyebrow. " You'll seem crazy talking to yourself."

"I'm sure I already seem crazy to everyone." you let out a light-hearted chuckle, " I may have control, but you are welcome to use it as well. Just promise you won't pull something like this again. Deal."

She watches as you extend your hand to her, looking at it then at you and right down. She sighs letting her hand fall to her size she stands tall stretching out her hand. She grabs your hand to shake it and your fire unite creating a golden red, with hints of orange, flame. After a moment the flame disappeared and you stared at her awaiting her response.

" Deal."

It may be my body, but now we are both in control.  


Current thoughts:

Another book on her encountering one of the other people with Element Goddesses, which would come with more content with you and Quicksilver. Let me know what you guys think in the comments.  ^_^

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