Chapter 39

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"Are you sure you have to do this daughter?"  

The King asked as he paced the throne room.  The Queen sat on her throne and Barrie's half siblings watched her with mean eyes.  Barrie shifted slightly and kept her face purposefully blank.  Her father had been pacing and ranting at her for the past ten minutes.  This was the first time that his voice had been soft and filled with exasperation.

"Yes father.  I will not turn from this path.  I will not sit idly by and watch my kingdom, my birthright  come tumbling down."

The King turned to her in anger.  "Are you saying that I've been a bad King?"

Barrie sighed and ran a hand through her unbound hair.  "Yes father that's exactly what I'm saying.  I've listened to the people and I've heard their words.  You haven't been a good King since you married the King.  Your people are starving and crime is rising.  It's been 23 years since you've toured the kingdom.  You have no idea what's going on.  You're borders are weakened and vagabonds threaten to rip this kingdom from beneath your feet."

"You lie!" 

Barrie turned and gave the Queen her best disgusted look.  "If I lie may the Gods strike me down."

"Enough!" The King roared.  "If you will not rethink this rash plan of yours daughter, then I have no other choice but to banish you and name you a bastard.  A bastard cannot sit on the throne."

Barrie threw her head back and laughed.  She laughed so hard she had tears running down her face.  She finally managed to bring her mirth under control.  Barrie wiped the tears from her eyes before she looked her father in the eye.

"That's not true father.  The first ruler of our family was a bastard.  I have spent the past ten years pouring through the library.  If anyone is a bastard it's you.  Your mother despised the King and found her carnal pleasure elsewhere.  It was fact that she slept with many of the men in the palace.  The King did nothing because he wanted a male heir."

A small cruel smile touched Barrie's lips as she watched her father pale.  "Kick me out father.  I swear to you that before all of this is over, I will march upon this castle with an army 10,000 strong."

A bubble of disbelieving laughter left the Queen.  "There is no way that you can gather an army that strong.  The King has many allies who will gladly stand by him.  You will be defeated the first time you attack."

"I am more resourceful than you think, oh Queen.  I have planned on ruling this kingdom as a warrior Queen and I have spent all my life gathering allies.  You will be surprised at how many men, and women, I will have at my back."

The King drew himself up and gave Barrie a look that would have made her shiver ten years ago.  "From this moment on daughter we are enemies.  You are no longer my daughter.  No welcome will be given you here or at any place that I own.  You have no home.  Leave."

Barrie stared at her the King before she gave a curtsy and started to leave the room.  She stopped at the door and looked back at the King.  "Before this is done, you'll wish you had dealt with me differently."

Barrie left the room and traveled the familiar hallways back to her soon to be empty rooms.  Grekken looked up as she entered.  "We're ready to leave when you are."

"Then let's leave.  There is nothing left for me here."

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