Badass x 2 = Oh No

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We were sitting in the jet we were going to take back Loki's scepter which was taken by HYDRA, which freaking sucks. I now have a personality, which is really cocky, bitchy, basically I'm a bad ass. I was toying with the bow on my dress (dress above) I don't need shoes because I just hover and I feel no pain. So I don't need shoes.

I looked up and saw Tony getting suited up and when he saw me he smiled his crooked smiled and then continued talking to JARVIS and getting suited up. I glanced at Natasha with nervousness laced through my eyes. She patted my hand and kept patting until I realized she was talking in morse code, 'I love you' she said, I smiled Natasha was basically my mom. I trust her with my life, 'I love you too' I tapped back. She smiled and rubbed circles on the back of my hand.

"JARVIS?" I asked,

"Yes? Ms. Jinx?" he asked in his posh voice.

"How long until we land?" I ask,

"We begin descending in 1 minute and we will touch the ground in 3 minutes." he responded,

"Thank you JARVIS." I said,

"You're quite welcome, Ms. Jinx." he said, 

Natasha released my hand and we started descending, I looked out the window and twiddled my thumb, I stood up and got my black cloak and fastened the straps and stood by everyone else as I felt the  plane come to a jolt, and then the hatch lowered and we stepped out onto the battle field. 

I heard the siren go off, which was my Que, I summoned a ball of electricity and was twirling it around my fingers when I heard something approach from the right. "On your right." I said into the headpiece and we all turned towards a tank coming forward. I smiled and threw the ball straight at the center of the tank and it shuddered and then engulfed in flames, killing everything inside it.

Nat sent me an approved glance, I then heard a strangled cry from my earpiece and I recognized it as Clint. I took Natasha's hand and we flew to Clint's area and saw him laying on the ground he he had blood coming from his leg. "Barton's down!" I called, I heard responses. I was suddenly infuriated and ran in the direction of the blood trail. I came to an abrupt halt when the trail ended.

I felt something whiz by my side, the wind blowing my hood off. I heard another gust of wind and I was suddenly knocked to the ground. My feet touched the ground and I felt the snow between my toes, my head smacked against the ground and I saw a man with silver hair and piercing blue eyes walk by me.

"You didn't see that coming?" he asked, he had a Russian accent laced through his voice. He was gorgeous, he took off again but I engulfed him in a tunnel of darkness. He looked around panicked, I then sent a ball of light up and he could only see me. I walked towards him until I was inches from his face.  I pulled him to the ground and he was restrained by patches of light.

"What? You didn't see that coming?" I asked as my own Russian accent laced through my voice. I then flew into a tree and the darkness faded away. He looked me in the eyes, "Who are you?" he asked, 

"The name's Killmark.. Yo're name is Pietro Maximoff you were born in 1994, you have a sister. Wanda Maximoff, born in 1994 10 minutes younger than you. You're parents perished because of a bombing supposedly by Tony Stark. You're sister and you, sat there for 3 days. How sad for the cocky little baby." I said with a baby voice at the end. He got very angry, I laughed.

"Bye bye baby!" I said and then I disappeared back to the plane. 

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