Soon we get there. As soon as we're there I feel relaxed. " Hello, may I help you?" A neatly dressed lady asks. " Yes. I'm looking for a princessy kind of dress. Do you got that?" I ask as politely as possible. " Of course. Ma'am what kind of dress are you looking for? " she asks Ashley. " Oh, uh, no, I'm with her." She stutters. She takes is to a couch and then she whispers to a lady and nods her head. She comes out with 3 dresses. The first one was hideous. " Eww!" Ashley says. " I thought this was a wedding dress store, not a dumpster!" She says. " True!" I say. Next dress is more disco. " I look like a disco ball." I say. The last dress is straight up beautiful! This is the dress! I think to myself. I buy it fold it and put it in a shopping bag and leave. When I get home I remember we move in two days! But all I do is hit the hay!

RandomMy name is Chyna Crost. I'm 20 and I graduated college. My birthday is January 1st ,1995.My boyfriend is Derrick Johnston and I love him so much. We've been dating since high school. Ok guess that's it ----- for now. Hey guys . Author here. Remember...