Soon it was the next day. We got up and got ready. We had cereal for breakfast. The moving truck was here. We helped load the boxes and I put the "For Sale" sign up and we drove off. It took a few minutes and we were at our new home. We had 4 keys. I called Ashley, but she wasn't available at the time. So I called Brianna and she's always available, she also brought her boyfriend Brian. We unpacked everything by 2:00 and we were hungry so we went to Olive Garden. I ordered the shrimp alfredo, so did Brianna. Derrick had some sort of stuff. And Brian had a salad. I asked how Brianna relationship was going and she said awesome. They were truly meant to be. It was time to go home and we said or goodbyes. We couldn't wait for our party tomorrow. Especially the gifts. I took a shower and got ready for bed. Derrick did the same. " Chyna, when are we gonna plan or wedding." "Tomorrow after the party. Unless that's not a good time." I said. He smirked at me. " I love you baby" he said to me. " I love you ,too. Night." I said and close my eyes. " Goodnight."
The Next Day
I got up and laid out my clothes. Then I got prepared for the day. I made bacon and eggs. Then Derrick came down ready. I served his plate. " This is delicious. I love it. What did you put in it? " " Just a lil something I put in all our meals." I replied. He smiled at me and ate his food. He put it in the dishwasher. " I'm bored there's nothing to." He said. Someone knocked at the door. I answered and then I remembered the party. I let Ashley inside. " Wow! Nice house! Where do we put the gifts at?" I pointed to a corner. The doorbell rang this time. I answered and it was Brianna and Brian. "Hey! We have food and presents. Also I brought my parents and little brother." She said. Then I saw some of Derrick friends come in. I greeted them and they got settled. My mom and dad came in and I greeted them and they each brought 4 presents. Sasha came in with her kids and husband. Sasha was a high school friend and she live right across the street. So everyone had a good time . I gave a few tours around the house and cooked some food. Then it was time for everyone to leave. Luckily the only mess there was was taking out the trash. Then I just showered and laid down. Derrick laid in the bed with me. He suddenly kissed me. " What was that for?" I asked not too mean. " I don't know. Look, I made the guest list. Here, you can scratch off whoever you don't want to come. Then we'll talk about it." He said. I read it and scratched a few off. We talked about it and made a new one. Then we got sleepy. So we went to bed.

RastgeleMy name is Chyna Crost. I'm 20 and I graduated college. My birthday is January 1st ,1995.My boyfriend is Derrick Johnston and I love him so much. We've been dating since high school. Ok guess that's it ----- for now. Hey guys . Author here. Remember...