Part 1

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"Come on Lovi, you don't want to be late to meet your teachers."

The small group was hurriedly moving down a crowded hallway in the midst of other soon to be students and soon to be free parents with the tiny Italian trailed slowly behind his grandfather, dragging his feet.

"Lovino," Romulus said sternly, stopping to see why his grandson wasn't moving as quickly as he. His stern look dropped as he saw the tears shining in his grandson's eyes and slowly rolling down his cheeks.

He dropped to his knees as Feliciano, Lovino's twin, moved from behind their grandfather to get closer to his weeping brother.

"Fratello?" Feli asked, voice cracking as he took his brother's hands. "What's wrong?"

Lovino sniffled. "I don't wanna be here," he whimpered rubbing his eyes.

Grandpa Rome (as Feliciano called him) gently put his hand on his grandson's shoulder. "I know it's very loud and really scary in here, but starting school is going to be a lot of fun and you're going to meet so many other children your age, I bet you'll make tons of new friends. I loved school when I was a child."

Romano's head snapped up, angry tears replacing his saddened ones. 

"I don't wanna go to school here. I wanna go to school at home. I wanna go back home! I wanna go back to momma and papa and grandma and I wanna see Romeo again. I don't want him to be stuck in the hospital. I want to-"

He was cut off when Romulus pulled him into a tense hug.

"I know, my grandson. I wish I could bring you to your parents but I can't. Your parents and Grandma are with God and it would be cruel to bring them back now. And Romeo needs to stay in the hospital so he can get better. He isn't there forever I promise."

He felt a hard tug on his sleeve and he looked over to see Feliciano sniffling as well, tears streaming down his cheeks.

He extended his arm to pull both to him, trying to calm their crying.

"I miss them too. They were not just your family but mine as well. My children, my wife. It's going to hurt. It's going to hurt for a long time. Long after your brother gets out of the hospital, long after you have finished Kindergarten and school and even after you become grandparents yourselves. You must always have them in your heart, because that's the best place to keep them."

He pulled back and kissed away their tears one more time before standing up. Ignoring the quizzical looks from the adults around him, Romulus offered his hand to the pair.

"Alright now, let's go meet your teacher, I'm pretty sure she would appreciate us being on time."

Feliciano nodded but Lovino kept his eyes down.


He did not move.

Romulus sighed and dropped back down for one more hug.

"If I promise we can go see Romeo tonight, will you come with us to meet your teacher?"

Lovino looked up with hopeful eyes.

"Okay nonno."

Grandpa Rome smiled.

"Okay then, let's get going."


"What do you mean you are not Feliciano's teacher?" Grandpa Rome said, voice catching on the last word.

The dark haired woman put on a sympathetic look.

"I'm sorry sir, it's our school policy to separate identical twins. It saves a lot of hassle for the teachers and helps the children develop their own identity away from being a matching pair."
Grandpa Rome rolled his eye. He could almost imagine the woman standing in front of him reading the statement off of pre made notecards. 

"Look, Ms..."

"Karpusi," she chirped with a bright smile that made her eyes crinkle in the corners.

"Well Ms. Karpusi, here's the situation. My grandsons have recently experienced a drastic tragedy. They would really benefit from being close to each other. Is there any chance you can make an exception?"

Her smile faltered.

"They're your grandsons? You don't look that old."

He paused for a moment partially annoyed by her skewed priority, and flattered by her assumption.

"Well thank you, but I seriously need to talk to someone about-"

He was interrupted by a tug on his pants.

Romulus looked down to see. A dark haired Hispanic boy grasping his clothing and looking nervously around.

"Can I help you little one?"

The boy jumped and looked up with the most innocent looking green eyes Romulus had seen since his grandson.

"I'm sorry!" The young boy squeaked in spanish, jumping back, "I thought you were my grandpa."

Romulus bit his lip trying to recall his minimal Spanish speaking.

Pulling what he could, he knelt down to the boy and gently touched his shoulder.

"That is okay. Do you need help finding your grandpa?"

The boy's head swirled around looking at all the adults around him.

"No he is over there," he murmured pointing.

Grandpa Rome chuckled gently and ruffled the boy's hair. "Alright then. But when you get closer, check that that is him before you start pulling on his clothing."

The boy smiled then nodded and began to walk away before turning back around.

"Thank you Mr..."

"Vargas," he finished for him. "But you may call me nonno."

The brunette nodded again then added, "My name is Antonio," before walking all the way back to his grandpa.

Romulus stood up, grunting when his back popped.

"Sorry about that. So, can we talk about putting them together?"

The teacher put her finger to her lips.

"I don't know. The principal is pretty strict about it,but... in all honesty I would not mind having them both and I believe if what you are saying is true, it would be best to keep them together.

She glanced over to where the Feli was excitedly talking to his teacher, a tall, stern, looking blond, and where Lovino was standing arms crossed, next to a energetic looking albino child.

"They seems to be easily distinguishable."

Romulus sighed with relief and offered a gentle and warm smile that Mrs. Karpusi took with a blush.

"Thank you bella, er, I mean ma'am."

She smiled, then her eyes sharpened as she suddenly thought of something.

"Do they mind accidentally being called the wrong names?"

Grandpa Rome bit his lip slightly and tilted his head.

"Lovino does, but Feliciano just laughs. If you aren't sure, call them Lovi. It prevents one of Lovino's tantrums," he said with a low sigh as he recalled Lovi's expression the last time they had been mixed up.

The teacher nodded.

"Alright, let me talk to Mr. Beilsmidt who is Feliciano's teacher and then we'll talk to the principal about putting those two together."

Romulus smiled and turned to walk away but stopped when he suddenly remembered something.

"Actually, their brother gets out of the hospital just in time for school. I'm not sure with class he's in, so can you help me figure it out and involve his teacher?"

She flashed him another smile.

"Oh, what grade is he in?"

Romulus dropped his smile in exchange for a surprised look then a sympathetic and nervous one.

"Did I not mention they're triplets?"

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