Part 8

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"And that's how we met," Antonio slurred, half empty bottle clutched in one hand, the other arm wrapped around a furiously blushing Lovino.

For a rather high-class bar, Antonio apparently had no inhibitions regarding getting shit-faced drunk and blabbering the entire situation surrounding his meeting with his soulmate. (Who at the moment couldn't decide whether to kiss the drunken idiot or punch him unconscious to shut him up.)

"You didn't have to tell them the whole thing, you bastard!" Lovino barked as he tried to hide his blush from the rest of the group.

"But it's so romantic," Antonio mumbled into his husband's shoulder, rubbing his face into the soft fabric.

By this point, Lovino's imitation of a tomato was starting to crown to perfection, his cheeks heated to an almost painful point.

From across the table, Francis was muffling his drunken laughter into Gilbert's shoulder. Gil was just flat out guffawing as loud as he pleased.

Pulling himself together, Francis reached across the table and took the bottle from the drunken Spaniard's hand and said, "I think that is enough alcohol for you. We still need Lovino as our designated driver and he can't be that if he passes out from embarrassment."

The man in question shot him a glare but in deflated into more blushing as Antonio started mumbling Spanish endearments into his ear.

"'Speaking of that, I really should be getting you idotas home. It's late, I'm tired, Antonio-"

"-is whispering naughty things in your ear?" Francis suggested with a smirk causing Gibert to start howling with laughter again.

Lovino fixed him with a dead stare and growled out, "I hate you."


Antonio was still nosing Lovino's shoulder even as his husband had to practically carry him inside the house.

"You're lucky I love you, idiota. What were you thinking getting this drunk? Now you'll have a hangover and I'll have to take care of you."

"I love you," Antonio mumbled, tilting his head up to smile at Lovino.

"I love you too but don't play dumb with me that's my brother's job."

Finally reaching their room, Lovino dropped Antonio face first on the bed before leaving and reappearing with a glass of water.

"Hey, get up and drink this. You'll feel better in the morning."

Antonio grumbled but sat up and gingerly took the glass of water. After sitting there, sipping that water for five minutes, he handed the empty cup back to Lovino before flopping back down.

"Oh great, now you're a sleepy drunk," Lovino mumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose. "At least let me get your boots off."

Boots removed, Lovino set them down and put a small trash can next to Antonio's side of the bed before leaning in to kiss his husband.

"I love you, but if you puke on me we're getting a divor-"

He was cut off by Antonio suddenly springing off the bed and dragging him down into a hug. Lovino grunted but relaxed after a few seconds and allowed his drunk husband to wrestle him into being the little spoon.

"The puking thing still stands," he mumbled halfheartedly, feeling a soft smile spread across his face.

"I promise," Antonio mumbled back.

"Your breath smells like cheap alcohol, stop breathing on me," Lovi grit out for lack of something to say.

"Sorry," Antonio mumbled and wiggled down to press his face into his husband's shoulder.

There was a long stretch of silence before Antonio was suddenly squeezing tighter and Lovino could feel a wet spot where he had his face buried in his shoulder.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Lovino asked, trying not to let the worry seep into his voice.

"I love you," Antonio whispered almost silently.

Lovino flipped over and brought his hands up to grab Antonio's face.

"And I love you too. We already established this, idiota. Why are you crying?"

"Be-Because I'm happy we met and even though you were mean to me you didn't mean it and I didn't know you were just sad and I-"

Lovino was the one to cut him off this time with a soft kiss on the lips. Antonio tried to keep talking but a harder kiss pacified his teary mumbles.

"I happy we met too, now go to sleep. My brothers are coming to dinner tomorrow and I need as much sleep as possible to get through listening to Feli's potato bastard's yammering."

Antonio chuckled lightly before his slow blinking turned into his eyes sliding slowly shut and his breathing evening out. A soft sigh was the only indication Lovi even noticed.

Lovino risked another smile before kissing his husband on the forehead and rubbing a hand down his arm over the unwavering compass that sat there.

"Sleep tight, tomato breath."

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