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In 1963, something great was formed. It was great, it was British, and it was something that formed a legacy in British television. A legacy still know today. A legacy known as Doctor Who. From all 11 magnificent doctors (and his TARDIS), to the widely developed companions, even through the strongly built enemies, Doctor Who is the greatest TV show this world has ever known.

First, we have the Doctor. The Doctor is Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey. A time lord has this special power called regeneration. When the Doctor, "dies," he glows a yellow/orange shine and his biological features, and so does his personality, but he still has the same memories. His TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimensions In Space) is a time machine that can travel anywhere in space and time. The TARDIS takes the form of a 1963 Police Box that is bigger on the inside or, a Clara Oswald once said, "its smaller on the outside!"

Even though The Doctor is amazing, he still needs companions by his side. In 2005, Rose Tyler was introduced as the 9th Doctor's first companion along with Mickey Smith and Captain Jack Harkness. When the 9th Doctor regenerated, the 10th Doctor introduced Martha Jones as his first companion who formed UNIT, a program to defend earth from aliens. Donna Noble was the final companion of the 10th doctor ending in season 4. In season 5, they introduced a new Doctor, Amelia (Amy) Pond, and Rory Williams, who are known as the girl and boy who waited. Amy waited 14 years for the Doctor, and Rory waiting 2000 years for Amy. When the Ponds died in mid-season 7, Doctor Who introduced Clara Oswin Oswald, "The Woman Twice Dead." She is the only mystery in the universe worth solving.

Along with the wonderful companions, we have the strongly built enemies. The Daleks, one of The Doctor's worst enemies, have been redesigned to look more modern. Enemies like the Ice Warriors have a giant story behind them that makes them so evil and strong, while others, like the Daleks were built evil and strong. The Silence, creatures that you can only remember if your looking at it, along with Madam Kovarium hold the main plot throughout season 6. The Weeping Angels, the newest major enemies of Doctor Who, can only move when nobody is looking and will send you back in time because they move really fast.

Today, the legacy of The Doctor lives through the 11 magnificent Doctors. The legacy of the companions line deep in the soul of the Doctor and the TARDIS. And the legacy of the enemies live through 50 years of Dalek, Cybermen, and so much more. As his legacy continues and thrives, fans worldwide are always looking forward to whats happening next in Doctor Who.

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