Wish I'd Never Known You

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Nobody's P.O.V.
Mabel ran off. She didn't know where to run. All she wanted to do was get away from it all. The teenager ran, ran past Greasy's Diner where her and Dipper used to eat everyday, ran past the Gravity Falls Museum where her and her brother found out clues about Quentin Trembly, the 8 1/2 president, ran past the laser tag arena where her and her brother played laser tag with their friends, ran past Hoo Ha's where she would always have a fun time...with Dipper. Tears streamed down her face as she stopped to catch her breath. Mabel panted heavily, coughing a little. She walked the rest of the way, to the Mystery Shack. She soaked in the memories of her and her brothers time in Gravity Falls. For Mabel, knew what she was gonna do. She ran up to the porch of the shack and pushed open the door. "Hey kid, wh-" Stan was cut short when Mabel typed in the passcode on the vending machine. She pushed the vending machine door open. "Mabel! What are you doing?!" Stan asked standing up from his chair. "Something I should've done a while ago." Mabel murmured, tears streaming down her pale cheeks. Mabel ran down the wooden steps until she entered Uncle Ford's laboratory. "Oh why, hello Mabel!" Uncle ford greeted his niece. She frantically looked around. "Ahah!" She smiled and grabbed the memory erasing day the Society of the Blind Eye used. "Mabel, what are you doing with that!?" Ford asked dropping his wrench. "Mabel!" Stan shouted as he entered the room. Mabel typed in letters slowly.












"Mabel! Put the darned thing down!" Stan and Ford shouted extending their hands. Just about when Mabel was about to pull the trigger, somebody interrupted her. "MABEL!". Wendy, Soos, and Dipper entered the room quickly. Mabel muttered something under her breath. Everyone's eyes went from the small green words spelling Dipper Pines, to Mabel, then to Dipper. "I. Regret. Nothing." Mabel said and pulled the trigger.

Dipper's P.O.V.
"I. Regret. Nothing." Was all I heard Mabel say before she pulled the trigger. "MABEL!" I shouted running over to her. "Who are you?" She asked, her eyes full of confusion. "I...Y-You don't r-remember me?!" I stuttered as tears fell from my eyes. She shook her head. "Hey Wendy!" She greeted, the redhead waved at Mabel. "Ford, is there like a way we can reverse this?" Soos asked twiddling his thumbs. "Well, the machine only cuts of the nerves that connects your brain to that memory. You see, certain events will never happen. Like her having to decide to trust when the portal was activated, or the FBI, or anything that had to do with Dipper. So, we'd have to reverse the polarity of the machine, or Dipper would have to do something to make her remember." Ford explained. "B-Bur how l-long would it take for you t-to fix the ray to h-hell her remember?" I asked wiping the tears from my eyes. "Well, a total of...4-5 years." Ford sighed. "4-5 years!?" Everyone, except Mabel and Ford gasped. "Dipper couldn't live with that!" Wendy huffed. "He wouldn't survive without her! She's his other half!" Stan roared. "Well, then let's help Mabel remember Dipper!" Ford roared back. I sighed and looked back at Mabel.

Timeskip a week later. Upstairs in the shack.

Me and Mabel were sitting on my bed. "Okay, so let's see if this helps." I sighed picking up a picture. It was one of me and her on Christmas. She stared at the picture. "I remember a little bit. You were trying to put the star on the tree, but I bumped the ladder and you fell in the...punch...bowl?" Mabel giggled. I smiled. "So a quick recap."
"What's my name?"
"Dipper Pines."
"Who am I?"
"My twin brother."
"Where was I born?"
"Piedmont, California"
"How old am I?"
I smiled. "See, your remembering!" She frowned. "There's just something I don't remember though. I sighed. I hugged her tightly. A blush spread across Mabel's face. She hesitantly hugged back. I broke apart the hug and looked at her hazel eyes. Everything seemed to stop. I leaned in, our faces getting closer and closer. I couldn't take it anymore, I quickly kissed her. Short yet passionate. Her eyes widened, they seemed to glow as I saw little images pass through her eyeballs.

Yeah yeah yeah. She lost her memory in one chapter, and got it back in the same chapter! Blah blah blah! She didn't get all of it back! Now, the next update will be soon! I'm really tired right now and my fingers hurt from typing! SO BYE FELICA!

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