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Mabel's P.O.V.

I awoke the next morning. The scent of pine and honeysuckle filled my nostrils. I sat up straight. I was entangled in Dipper's blanket. "W-What? H-How the hell did I get here?" I asked myself. I swung my legs over the bed. I was about to get up, but a hand grabbed my wrist. I tensed up and looked behind me. "D-Dipper!?" I gasped staring at my twin brother, shirtless with boxers. He pulled me down onto him, just when he was about to kiss me...BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. I jumped up, I felt my surroundings, good no shirtless Dipper, and I'm in my bed. I let out a sigh of relief and swung my legs over the side of the bed. I practically tripped over Grenda, who was slumbering right next to my bed. Candy was passed out on the snacks, making a pile of drool. "Guys, wake up!" I yelled, Grenda jumped along with Candy. "W-What time is it!?" Candy asked. "Like, 7:10 in the morning." I replied opening the attic door and walking out. Candy and Grenda went back to sleep. I quietly walked downstairs, and into the kitchen. I looked around to see Dipper sitting at the table reading his journal. I walked in. "Hey Dip." I smiled sitting across from him. "Hey Mabes." He said not looking up from his journal.
"Um...nice...hat." What the hell was that Mabel!? I mentally face palmed. Dipper looked up from his journal. "What?" He asked, staring at me. A light pink blush spread across my face. "N-Nothing." I replied looking down. He shrugged and went back to reading his journal.


Mabel's P.O.V.

I walked around town later that day. Trying to ignore Dipper. "Why can't these feelings just go away." I mumbled, turning around to walk back to the Mystery Shack. I wasn't looking where I was going, until I ran into somebody, accidentally kissing them. I stumbled back and fell. I looked to see who I ran into, "Oh god no..." I gasped jumping up an running away.

Oh my god horribly written short chapter!

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