Chapter Twenty-Six

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It was the semi-finals before the big competition tomorrow and I had to focus. Today I was doing hip hop and I wasn't feeling happy at all. I took a deep breathe as I took the stage. The song "You Know You Like It" began as I stated my dance. I wasn't focused and I was okay. Everything felt blurry as I went to do my pique I slid on the mat and fell. I heard the crowd gasp as the music suddenly came to a stop. Nate and my Mom rushed out to help me off stage. "Uh, Chloe Van-Walsh ladies and gentleman." The announcer said as my mom rushed me out. "I told you, she wasn't ready Nate!" "Yes I am!" I pleaded. When I really wasn't. "Let's get you home." My mom said as I saw Dad and Stew walk up. "Mallory has Cas-" Stew stopped in his tracks. "What happened?" "She fainted, she isn't ready Jack!" My mom pleaded. "That's too bad." I looked up too see Aurora Hope, one of the best dancers of this generation, who retired to get married and have kids. "Holy Aurora." My eyes got big. "I heard about your brother and I am truly sorry." She said. "Are you judging?" "I'm THE judge." She smiled. "I'm out aren't I?" "Nope, not unless you drop out." She looked at me as Nate rubbed my arm. "I'm not." "Good because you're in the finals. You're too good not to be." She said getting up and walking away.

"No, no, no!" My mom protested trying to pack my suitcase. "MOM ITS AURORA HOPE!" I protested. "It's too much pressure! You don't need it!" "ERIC WOULDA WANTED ME TOO!" I shouted as my mom slapped me hard in the face. My mom has never laid her hands on me ever. "Whoa!" Nate said rushing in. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." My mom said hugging me. "Mommy please." I cried. "Let me dance." I begged.

The song "What Hurts The Most" was my song choice and I was dedicating my solo performance to Eric. I took a deep breathe. "Our next dancer almost dropped out of today's event due to a personal tragedy she is dealing with." "How did they find out?!" I whispered to Nate as held my hand. "Shh, it's okay." He nodded. "Ladies and Gentleman. Miss Chloe Van-Walsh." Everyone clapped as I took a deep breathe and let go of Nate's hand. "This dance, this performance I would like to dedicate to my brother, Eric." The thunder and rain sound effects played as I took my position. I peaked out in the audience and saw my parents, Stew, Mallory and Cassie get quiet. I looked back and saw Nate nod at me. The dialogue from the video played as I sat down and started my dance. Than the music came on. People watched as the song played out and I began my dance. I was in my zone. I saw a bright light flashed and I couldn't help but think of Eric. But I continued. I didn't feel dizzy or sick or scared, because I knew Eric was watching over me. I kept dancing as people watched in the audience nodding along smiling, including my family and friends. I went to do my pique and landed it perfectly as people stood up cheering. The song was almost over and I was getting stronger and stronger. The screen came down and a picture of me and Eric popped up. I looked up at it and saw Nate loading it. I smiled blowing him a kiss as the song started to slow down. I did one last turn and finished up. Everyone was on there feet cheering and clapping and crying. My mom and dad was cheering the loudest. I waved as tears streamed down my face. Nate ran onstage and kissed me. I kissed him back as he pulled me off stage. "You did it!" Nate smiled. "No, we did it!" I smiled and kissed him.

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