Introduction / Chapter One

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Have you ever loved someone you weren't allowed to be with? Someone who in your eyes is flawless. Someone who would never hurt you. But too everyone else, he was nothing. He wasn't "good enough" he's "trouble" and my least favorite, "trash". Now before you go all Romeo and Juliet on me, stop. Because my story isn't that dramatic. I promise you that. But it was one that opened my eyes to people's true colors and personalities. My name is Chloe Van-Walsh & this is my story of the time I finally believed in love.

Chapter One
The song "You Know You Like It" was blasting from the speakers at my dance competition. I was in my zone. When I danced, I zoned out and it was the good zoning too. I've been a competitive dancer since I was three. I recently put my dancing to use at my high school (who cut the dance program) and joined the cheer team, but dancing was my one true love. As the chorus kicked in, my dance routine kicked into overdrive. People were cheering and clapping as I started to finish up. "Chloe Van-Walsh! Ladies and gentleman!" The announcer said as I caught my breathe.

"That was awesome honey!" I turned to see my Mom and Dad & brother waiting with flowers. "If you don't place, it's rigged!" I playfully pushed my brother. "Shut up you jinx!" I laughed taking a drink of water. I went to throw my water bottle away when I looked up I saw a brown curly haired cute guy standing there in a janitors outfit. "Hey." I smiled. "Hi." He nodded. "Great dance." He smiled. "Thanks, I'm Chloe." "Nathan." He nodded. "Chloe lets go!" I turned to see my mom. "Good luck." He nodded walking away. There was something about him. He had brown eyes and I was mesmerized. He was tall and looked as if he was in shape. He was too hot to be a janitor, but I couldn't focus on him right now, I had to focus on winning.

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