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Jess's Pov

It's been about a week and a half since mine and Kimmy's fight. I know that I fixed everything, but I'm just not ready to apologize. I'm not ready to go back home and act as if nothing happened.

Because guess what?! We had a bad fight I got over protective and she hit a nerve. So when I'm ready, I better not be the only one saying that 'S word' But I still keep up with what's going on. Her and Calum are dating, Luke and Ashton still aren't talking cause Ashton is too much of a pussy to come out and admit that he's madly in love with Luke.

Mikey and I are still kinda a thing. He said that he doesn't really like labels and I'm cool with that. It's just I feel like he's not that into me ya know? I mean yeah he's the one I've been staying with, but I feel like I'm being used for his personal amusement.

It's okay I'll just talk to him at lunch about it. No harm right? Crap, that's like in a minute. Okay I can do this.....right? And there's the bell. As I look around the lunch room I didn't see him only other people that I don't care about. When I turn around I felt my heart burst into millions of pieces. It was Michael and some skank sucking face.

I ran off crying and that's when he saw me. But he wasn't the only one. Kimmy did too, along with Calum and Luke. "JESS!" I don't wanna be bothered, I just wanna be left alone. Why can't I ever be left alone?!

I just stopped and fell to my knees. My face went into my hands and my sobs grew louder. "Jess, please talk to me. I know that your mad and that you hate me but please just talk to me." I turned and faced Kimmy, her seeing me in the state I am and seeing the reason why sorta made my blood boil.

"What do you want me to say, mhmm? That you were right? That your boyfriend is so perfect and he's a different person now and that I'm hung up on some jerk who doesn't even wanna be seen with me for to long?" She's got what she wanted. She got the boy and I got the heartbreak.

"Jess you know its not like that. But I did tell you this was gonna happen." Wow now she's rubbing it in. "Jess I didn't mean it like it's just you always look out for me and I'm trying to look out for you too." I don't need her to look out for me. Why doesn't she see that. "Just leave me alone." I don't want anyome to bother me just let me be.!

"No! I've given you your space and I gave you time. Guess what Jess it's time to man up and fucking apologize! Do you know how much hell I've been threw because of you?! I can't sleep, I can't eat!" She's making me feel bad, I didn't think she would be that bad that I was gone. "You don't even look at me! Ever since these boys came in our lives all its done is tear us apart."

Shes right. Michael is a jackass I've never planned on liking. Now look at me, I'm crying because I saw him kissing someone that wasn't me. Shit, I'm not even myself, I skip school to go hangout with him, my grades are lowering, he's no good for me.

"You're right, this isn't us. We don't fight, we don't tear apart, hell I don't even like going to the store without you. I'm sorry Kimmy it's just I hate when I'm doing the wrong thing just because I think it's what's right." I got up and hugged my cousin. God have I missed her.

"Can we not fight anymore?" We both laughed and then walked off leaving everyone else there. Finally some normality back in my life.

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