Niall ddm 14

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It was always James this and James that with your family. Your twin was the better twin, at least you thought that. In reality you were just as good as him,just in your own way. For example, James had a lot of friends and played a lot of sports and you were just friendly and loves to play music,but your dad didn't know once again it was just another day of you dad taking James out to the fields to play football. You stayed home with your mom and had a girls day. Mom why doesn't dad like me you ask suddenly. What she asks and drops her coffee. Why doesn't dad like me, all he ever does is hang out with James you say looking down at your feet. So that's what you think you hear your dad say. You take a deep breath and nod. He pulls you into a big hug. I'm sorry love it's just I didn't think you wanted to spend time with me anymore you know cause your growing up. Dad I'll always need you with me cause I love you. Awe he says I love ye too. Now I've heard you sing before. Do we have a baby direction in the family. Yup you got your dad back.....

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