The Journey

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I didn't know how I would survive this journey, my shoulders ached, my neck muscles screamed, and my hands were numb from trying to hold on to him. I knew if I fell off his back, that would mean some serious injury to me, especially with my impaired healing skills. He simply didn't care. In what seemed like an hour, the monster finally came to a stop, throwing me harshly off his back. I was so nauseated and dizzy; I simply collapsed on my feet. I stretched my hands, grimacing at the pain of waking my numb fingers.

"We will rest here a bit. Get up!" he ordered me as he put on a pair of black trousers to hide his nakedness.

I was overwhelmed by hysterics right then, an uncontrolled bubble of laughter erupted from my throat. The Demon Lord, this monster, my dad hurting on the ground, and hours of clinging to his mane all the while feeling I wouldn't survive it. It was all too much. I was rolling on the ground, holding my stomach and simply laughing, unable to suppress this cruel mirth attack. My stomach was hurting, but I simply couldn't stop.

"Stop. I forbid you to laugh," he bellowed, not understanding what was happening to me.

Forbid me to laugh? Oh, that was precious! I felt the anger surfacing again upon hearing those words, which, thankfully, was enough to end my hysteria. I managed to move my hurting limbs with an unexpected litheness and rose to my feet, pointing my finger at him threateningly as I approached him.

"Don't you dare tell me what to do, you arrogant bastard," I yelled oblivious to how suddenly everything around us had come to an eerie silence. His warriors were looking at me in horror as if I had a death wish on my shoulders. I probably did, but I was too far gone in my second stage of hysteria even to notice.

His face was contorted with rage, his lips a flat line of anger. A muscle was ticking steadily in his cheek as he was trying to control his inner beast.

"You will learn to show me some respect," he growled as he seized me by the neck with both hands and lifted me high in the air, squeezing my throat so hard along the way I couldn't breathe. This was it; I had pushed the monster too much, and I was going to die. I was choking, my face turning blue as I struggled and writhed weakly in his grip.

"Keith. Let her go, you are killing her," I heard someone yell in the distance, but I was far too gone to care.

Just like that, he let me go, I fell on the ground, coughing and gasping for breath. He looked at my body with a look of disgust on his face as I lay down on the ground shaking and convulsing uncontrollably. He then turned sharply and stomped away.

"Are you okay?" asked one of his warriors with an unexpected kind expression in his eyes.

I tried to speak but nothing came out, but a pathetic squeak. It sounded like a door with a rusty hinge.

"Don't try to speak. Your vocal chords are probably damaged," he said apologetically.

I nodded. The bastard had tried to choke me to death.

"You are dangerously impulsive, if I may say so. I suggest you control yourself before you push him too hard."

"He is a beast." My whisper came as a croak. It was all his doing.

"He is all that," he sighed. "I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Xavier."

When I attempted to say my name, he stopped me with a hand gesture. "I know who you are. You are the mystery girl the Demon Lord wants," he chuckled.

Wow, this guy was actually nice. So, his warriors were not all evil like him. Good to know.

Right then, the monster had to come back and ruin it all again. His black hair was wet, small droplets clung to his long strands and fell on his forehead. He must have taken a quick dip in the lake. I was unfortunately mesmerized by a water droplet that found its way into his muscular chest, streaking further down the long line of his torso, finally disappearing beneath his trousers.

Mated To The Werewolf King (Completed, Kings Series, Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now