A New Home

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As the sun was setting, we finally stopped. And this time, I managed to stay at the monster's back. I certainly was getting better at this.

There stood a huge castle in front of us, imposing and majestic in all its splendor. I took hesitant steps towards it, trying to give life to my shaking legs when I saw its gate open to reveal a gorgeous female behind it. I presumed her to be the mate of one of the warriors as she rushed towards us in joy with her thick auburn hair flying in the wind. I sighed, mates. There was nothing like it.

As I stood there wondering who the lucky guy was, she threw herself at my beast, wrapping her legs around his waist and locked her mouth to his, soundly kissing him as she thrust her hands into his thick black hair.

What the hell? I certainly wasn't expecting that. Who was she? I literally wanted to rip her heart out. To my utmost surprise, I found my hands balled into tight fists at my sides. With an apparent effort, I managed to unclench them. What was I doing? She was welcome to him. Why the hell did I even care?

But damn it, I did! I walked towards my new and only friend, Xavier hoping he would quench my curiosity.

"Hey, Xavier," I said. "Who is the bitch?"

"The bitch is my sister, Zena" laughed Xavier looking at the intertwined couple as his eyes flickered with mirth.

Oops! I looked at his face apologetically, hoping that I hadn't offended him, the only ally I had in this strange foreign place.

"No worries. She is indeed a bitch," he smiled.

The bitch had finally left his mouth, now trailing a string of kisses along his jaw and neck. Get a bed! It was simply gross how she was throwing herself at him in front of an audience.

The simple reality was that I couldn't bear watching their intimacy for whatever reason I couldn't fathom. Oh, the Moon Goddess, what if they were mates?

"Behave," I heard my monster chuckle as he finally put her down. To my utmost dismay, the bitch continued hugging him.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to find my bed now. I am quite tired," I thundered even though it was still way too early for that.

He sharply turned to me with the bitch still clinging to him like a limpet. "Of course, your majesty," he said mockingly. His eyes pierced mine for a few seconds with an undeniably lustful expression. Then he moved his hand to the bitch's ass and squeezed as she pressed herself even closer to him.

A smile flickered in his dark eyes as he then said the dooming words that sealed my fate.

"Take her to the dungeon."

"What!" I exclaimed in shock. Was this a joke?

"C'mon, Keith. Is that really necessary?" asked Xavier attempting to knock some sense into him.

He didn't even bother answering as he simply continued making out with the bitch, as if I was a fly beneath his boot, as if I didn't matter at all. My eyes brimmed with tears of hurt and frustration. But I held them back as I refused to cry in front of him. I wouldn't give him that satisfaction.

"I hate you. Do you hear me, I hate your guts!" I screamed as two of his warriors held me by my arms, dragging me towards what I expected to be the worst place I was ever likely to inhabit in my life. I tried to catch Xavier's eye as I was passing, but he wouldn't look at me. Poor Xavier! It wasn't his fault. He had tried. But the beast wouldn't listen.

As my guards were speeding away, half dragging and half carrying me away from his sight, I looked back at him one last time. To my utmost surprise, he had finally pried the bitch away from him, holding her at bay with his outstretched hand despite her sound protests and pitiful attempts to come closer. All the while, his eyes were unblinking, watching me with an undecipherable expression, one I could almost swear, was filled with regret.

Mated To The Werewolf King (Completed, Kings Series, Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now