Chapter 12

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*** Hey al, I figured I would post a chapter for you before I jut off to bed. It is not edited, so I am sorry now for any mistakes that may be in this chapter. ENJOY!!!! ***


Chapter 12

We stayed and had dinner with Rebecca and Lucas’s families along with many of the wedding guests. It was a bit awkward, but when Mr. Hayes introduced him as his late daughter Molly’s husband and my future husband with a smile on his face, I knew that their rift was healing.

There was dancing and as much as he dreaded it. I forced him out on the dance floor and I found out that he was actually a very good dancer. Before we knew it, the large grandfather clock was chiming that it was midnight and Carter leaned down closet to my ear.

“Seven days Lilly, seven days and you will be Mrs. Woods.” I wrapped my arms up and around his neck and pulled his lips to mine. After the long day we had, I needed his kiss, his touch, I needed him. A soft moan left my mouth and I could feel unmistaken feel of his smile.

“There will be plenty of time for that after our seven days are up.” He said as I rested my head onto chest and we swayed to the beautiful violin that was playing.

After a few more songs, I was exhausted and my feet were screaming at me. We said our goodbyes to everyone and I could tell that the happy couple was ready to leave as well.

As we walked back to the wagon, I had most of my weight being held up by Carter’s arm which was wrapped around my waist. Soon enough, he scooped me up into his arms and carried me the rest of the way. He then carefully lifted me onto the seat and snuggled in next to me for the short ride home.

I don’t recall changing into my night gown, but when I woke late the next morning, I had it on and my dress was neatly put back into my wardrobe. I could not help but wonder if Carter was the one that undressed me. Just that thought alone caused me to blush.

A slight knock at my door jolted me from my thoughts and I jumped up, putting on my robe.

"Lilly, ¿estás despierto?" I heard Rosa calling from the other side of the door. I let out a relieved sigh. (“Lilly, are you awake?”)

"Uh, yeah Rosa, estoy despierto." I responded as I opened the door to reveal her smiling face. (“Uh, yeah Rosa, I am awake”)

She smiled back at me and nodded. "¿Quieres algo de comer, he hecho el almuerzo y pude llevar hasta usted si usted quisiera." ("Would you like something to eat, I have made lunch and I could bring it up to you if you would like.")

"No, no, voy a estar abajo en breve. ¿Ha Carter había levantado aún, tengo que hablar con él." ("No, no, I will be down shortly. Has Carter gotten up yet, I need to talk to him.")

"Él no hasalido aún, podría tratar deconseguir quehastasi quieres." She said and motioned towards Carter’s room. ("He has not risen yet, I could try and get him up if you would like.")

"Está bien Rosa, que necesita descansar después del largo día de ayer. Voy a ver si quiere quedarse en la cama o si quiere levantarse. Pero gracias." ("That's okay Rosa; he needs his rest after the long day yesterday. I will see if he wants to stay in bed or if he wants to get up. But thank you.")

She smiled at me again and headed back downstairs. I tip-toed down to Carter’s room and slowly opened the door, careful not to make it squeak. Carter’s sleeping form was defined by the blanket that lay upon him. Trying to not make a sound, I made my way to the bed and slid in under the covers behind me.

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