Chapter 26: remembering (2)

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Don't cry." I cooed as I wiped his tears.

"He's a jerk! A total jerk!" He cried as he wrapped his arms around my waist and he dug his face into my chest. I shook my head, not knowing what to reply. Then an idea popped as I now smiled. "Don't cry Alfred. How will an emotional cowboy be able to point the end of his gun against his opponent?"

America sniffled as he hugged me tighter. The poor teen showed this part of him only now. Probably the first person to see him like this is me. "Alfie... How will you protect me if you suddenly broke down into a sniffling elephant who got sand in his nose and saw a small rat running around his legs? You know Iggy's doing it for you, he wants you to grow up into a country far different from any."

"But he's so demanding and shit." America shook his head.

I sighed, "Stop being spoiled. You're too spoiled for your own good."

"Why can't you just release me from my misery? Please help me (Y/n)." America pulled his head back to show me his red eyes and nose. Wet tears slid down his cheeks through dry tears.

"Because I know I would end up treating you like how Artie is treating you-"

"I know you won't!" America cut me off. "(Y/n)... You said it yourself... It sometimes take someone else to know your secrets before you do... I know you won't... I know you'll help me... Please!!"

I pressed both my palms against his cheeks. Wiping the tears with my thumbs then released one palm to get his glasses from his inside vest pocket. Unfolding it and resting it on the bridge of his nose, pushing it up with my index finger. "Alfred. I know it's hard to just stand behind a well-off... Alfred. You know I want to... But Alfred, I can't... I simply can't. Arthur is also my student... I may be powerful when it comes to magic, but I swore I'll never use it against such desires. And you know I rely on Grake and Kaizo when it comes to services I could not handle."

"You're an amazon!" America shouted. "You could probably defeat the Europeans! Help me and Matthew from our misery! You could handle anything! Please... You're my savior."

"I'm not a hero. Women aren't meant to be heroes..." I pet America's hair.

"Yes they can!" He stomped his foot.

"Not in this generation... Women these days are either weak and fragile or strong and zealous, there are no in betweens. You would either be a damsel or a temptress, there is no in between." I took his cowboy hat that was hanging around his neck and wore it.

"Then you'll be my sidekick! I'll be the hero when you're actually the hero... Stand by my side and help me defeat the crimes of evil." America clutched my coat with no more tears flowing and had a large smile on.

"I'll be your sidekick... Don't forget that I'm here to help you."  I tipped the hat and smirked at him.



I yawned as I stretched. Opening one eye to meet the white ceiling. "Breakfast." Ivan said as he put down a tray on the bedside table.

I sat up and stretched some more. "Where's Anya?" I asked.

"She went back home." Ivan replied as he handed me a cup of juice. "How was your sleep?"

"I had a really peaceful sleep." I smiled as I received the cup with a small thank you. "You're not wearing your uniform."

"I find no need to." He smiled and took a seat next to me on the bed. "Your brother called."

"Which one?" I asked.

"Asnor." He replied. I waved a hand to continue. "He said that I'll drop you by Arthur's house."

"I'm okay with it actually." I shrugged as I reached for the sandwich that was on the tray. Ivan grabbed it then gave it to me. I smiled with another thank you.


Ivan pressed the doorbell as I stood watching a butterfly flew past my eyes. The door opened and now I looked at the house owner. "Artie!!" I clumped his legs and giggled.

I noticed his eyebrow twitched. "Bye little sunflower." Ivan patted my hair.

"Bye bye big sunflower!" I gave him a toothy grin.

Arthur grabbed my bag and closed the door. I ran into the halls and I peaked inside the living room. A certain blond man was slouched on the couch. A piece of hair flying up. The television shown a man in black and a cape and his outfit curved his ass.

"Batman!" I yelled as I jumped into the man's lap. Now my stomach was pressed into the man's lap and I felt a hand lay on my back.

"Hey lil' dudete." He chuckled.

"I'm not lil' dudette! I'm Robin!" I pouted and whined as I pounded my fist on to the couch's cushions. I sat up straight on his lap and straightened my back. "I am Robin." My eyes glanced up to his blue ones. "Robin is Batman's sidekick... Right?"

"Yeah.." Alfred scratched the back of his neck.

"You are Batman and I am your sidekick!" I jumped up and down on his lap. "You said so yourself! I shall be your sidekick. I'll stand by your side and help defeat the crimes of evil... Though I can't promise that I am the real hero.."

His eyes widened as I looked at the tv.

America's POV

"(N/n)! I made tea." Arthur called from the kitchen.

"Tea time! Tea time! Yay!" (Y/n) sang.

I twisted from my seat, placing my arm on the top of the couch and my right leg conquered the seat next to me. Watching the two chat in the kitchen. The innocent (Y/n), cute as ever...

"I will not let a single drop fall upon your white petals. Only pristine waters can glide down your form... Until you're fit enough to receive your title as my sidekick, I shall be your hero. You will never leave my side. A damsel who needs to be saved will be rescued by her hero." I muttered. "I do not accept my own sidekick fall unto their own downfalls. As your hero, I am going to focus your safety and security." I clenched my right fist as I tilted my chin up. "Do not cry... My Robin..."

((A/N: T^T IT'S LONG AND I'M NOT REALLY SURE IF IM PROUD OF WHAT I HAVE DONE... My Robin part reminded me the Count Visdruit of Kuroshitsuji... Am I right? I forget his name))

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