
18 0 4

TaKierahs pov
Me and my friends are going shopping today. I get ready in my outfit (third outfit)and put my hair in curls.I walk down stairs and get my car keys and go pick up my friends.
Sariahs pov
I'm ready in my outfit (1)and do my hair in a ponytail. I walking downstairs cautious not to fall. I hear the door bell ring and it's Takierah then I go outside and get into the car.
Mackenzies pov
I'm getting ready and I put on a superman tank top and some Jamaican style pants with ti-di polos and glasses . I walk out the door and get in the car with sariah and takierah and we drive to kaalin's house.
Kaalins pov
I'm ready in my outfit (2) and I'm walking out the door I get in the car with my friends.
TaKierahs pov
Me and my friends walk into the mall and buy lots of shoes and clothes.0n the way home I see my boyfriend shivering cold so I let him in my car and took him to my house.

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