Fun with my friends

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Chapter 1

~ Oriane's POV ~ 

I woke up, feeling the same way since about 4 months now. I live with my dad, Simon and his annoying but nice girlfriend, Leonie. My mum passed away in April, and it's now august. My mum and I were sooo close; I just loved her. 

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom and looked myself in the mirror. "Wow I look such a mess" I thought. "Isn't that lucky, I have my class photo today" I whispered sarcastically. My dad was still not awake, so I decided to go make myself pancakes. I ran down the stairs and started making the pancakes. I looked in the cupboard, searching for the nutella. WHAT ? WAS I DREAMING ?! no. I couldn't find the nutella, Leonie must of ate it all without buy a new one. Oh that bitch !! You must think I'm over reacting, but us girls, we all need that little bit of chocolate to keep us happy. ;) 

I sat down at the table, eating my tasteless pancakes. I was thinking about how excited I am to meet Justin Bieber in October. I was imagining the perfect life. Justin meets me at the M&G, falls for me and brings me home with him in America. Why was I even thinking that when I knew that would never happen. First of all, I'm 15 and Justin 19, there's soo many beautiful girls here in Australia, and I'm just different but not the special girl he would want. 

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder that interrupted my thoughts. It was my dad. 

"Darling, you have to leave in 15 mins for school, you better hurry up !" my dad said

"Oh shit ! Thank you !" I replied

Now that my mum has passed away, my dad is much nicer than he used to be. He's always giving gifts and being nice, but that still didn't make that sad face hidden in my heart, happy. 

I ran up the stairs, took a quick shower and dressed up in my little skinny jeans, my fav tank top and my high heeled shoes. I put a bit of foundation, eye liner and lip gloss to hide my ugly face. 

I arrived at school and saw my best friend, Camille. I just love her so much; she's soo lovely and sweet, always trying to cheer me up. She has long dirty blond hair and lite blue eyes. She ran up to me and gave me a huge hug. 

"Hey the most beautiful girl I know, how are you ?" she said with a huge smile on her face. 

"I'm ok I guess, how about you ?" I said and I smiled. 

"I'm great ! OMG GUESS WHAT ?" she yelled 

"what ?" I laughed 

"JEREMY ASKED MY OUT YESTURDAY !!!" she yelled in excitement

Did I forget the mention that Camille has had a crush on Jeremy since forever ? He's the typical 17-year-old cute surfer with brown-blond hair, hazel nut eyes and abs.

"OMG that's great, I'm sooo happy for you !" I replied, excited for her 

I've actually have had a crush on this cute, adorable and nice guy I met in December, during my summer holidays in Melbourne. We didn't kiss or anything but I just can't wait for next time I'm going to Melbourne. 

---------- 8 hours later, coming out of school ----------

I walked out of school with Camille, who decided to invite me for a sleepover, since we live like 30 seconds away. I couldn't wait because she had invited her new boyfriend and one of our really close friend, Michael. 

I called my dad to ask him, I sound like a 5 year old, but my dad is protective so yeah. 

"Hi dad ! Can I go to Camille's house tonight for a sleepover ?" I asked with a cute voice

"Hi darling, yeah sure, but do you have your keys because i won't be home ?" he asked

"Yess don't worry and thank you soo much" I said happily 

A couple of minutes later, we arrived at Camille's and saw Jeremy and Michael walking down the street. Camille ran up to Jeremy and jumped into his arms and they gave each other a peck. Aww that's soo romantic I wish I had a boyfriend. I ran up to Michael, imitating Camille in slow motion. They all started laughing. 

We went inside and decided to watch a movie. 

"What do you guys want to watch ?" Camille asked

"Scaryyy moviee !!" Michael and Jeremy yelled together

I honestly like scary movies but I get soo fucking scared after, so people tease me and scare me.

"Ok" Camille said

"Can we watch scream ?" Michael proposed

So we decided it was a good choice, although Camille hated scary movies. 

"Should I go make the popcorn ??" I asked 

"YESSS !" everyone yelled happily 

When I got back with the popcorn, Camille and Jeremy were already making out on the other couch. I wasn't just gonna sit next to them and be like "Is it funn guys ?" so I went to sit next to Michael that was already fixed on the tv. I sat down and handed him the boll of popcorn, he then gave it back to me after grabbing a hand full. I was thinking about Justin again. Gosh this kid gets on my mind alot (not in a dirty way haha) And suddenly, I heard a huge scream and saw the killer pop out of no where. I screamed too and dropped the boll of popcorn on the ground and smashed into little pieces. It interrupted the making out session on the other couch; they were like eating each other faces. I hate it when that happens in movies. Michael help me clean up but then they had to leave so we booth hugged them and said goodbye. 

We then both ran into Camille's room scared to death and changed into our pj's. I hopped in bed and checked my phone. 1 missed call from Luke, 1 message from my modeling agency, and 1 message from my dad and .... wait WHAT ? Missed call from Luke ? Forgot to mention but Luke is my crush which lives in Glenroy. I'll call him back first thing in the morning. 

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