Softball Player (part 1)

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She's a junior at the top school, Saddleback. She's in advanced classes as well in honors. She's as well is in AP classes, such as AP Spanish Literature, AP Bio, AP U.S. and AP Psychology. The junior was also taking college math already. Despite having AP classes and honors, she still managed to have a 4.5 GPA. But apart from classes, she was also apart of softball and soccer. Soccer being in the winter and softball in the spring, she was always in shape and ready for the season to come along.

But with her intelligence, also came good looks. And let me tell, she was beyond beautiful than anyone would imagine. Anyone who ended up with her, will be a lucky piece of shit.. But sadly, she was known as a player as well. She was basically the school's flirt.

But her, a flirt? Hard to believe isn't?

She was a player, and me?

I was just a photographer in journalism. Nothing more, nothing less. And I'll be nothing more.

Don't get me wrong, I love being in journalism and all, it's just-

I'm just a small town girl living in a lonely world.

Hardly anyone knows who I am or what my name is. They would see me walk down the hall, but they were more interested in the school gossip; who was dating who, who was sucking who's dick or who was currently being Catfished.

Why would she know my name? Or ever know it.

The thing is, she doesn't. I bet you she doesn't even know who I am or even that I exist. Let alone that I like her.

She'll never know. And I plan on leaving it like that.

And that's the problem. I fell for her head to toes.

But everyone eventually falls for someone every now and then. And we can't control it. We just somehow let our feelings get to our head and lose complete control. We let our heart speak instead of our minds. We let our emotions get the best of us, when we don't want to. We somehow let love get the best of us. But the thing is why would she any different? She won't even catch me.

No one will, so why should she be any different?


I walked the empty halls of school, the only one I have ever known. I had a black Praktica camera around my neck. For it to be empty on a Friday afternoon. Now that's nothing new actually.

With teenagers throwing parties left and right. Nothing new. Getting high, drunk, wasted and may I add pregnant. But really, why would you want to be 16 and pregnant? Makes no sense at all, but who am I to stop you? Nothing ever changes in school. Unless there's a new kid, with money and looks, which hardly ever happens in this dreadful school.

I walked to my locker and I saw someone standing by there.

Black raven hair. Dark black booty shorts, that hugged her back side real good and showed off her well built legs. Black doc martens that match perfectly and a black The 1975 shirt. She had a ring around her left thumb and another one on her right middle finger.

Maybe they got the wrong locker. Or maybe they're waiting for the person next to mine.

No, that can't be right. If they were, they wouldn't be right next to mine, or would they?

I walked closer to my locker until I was five feet away from it.

When my eyes laid on her my heart skipped a beat. She was the most beautiful piece of artwork I've ever seen. She was like an unique masterpiece, that has never been seen by the naked eye or touched by a single finger.

My crush.

She was my crush. My crush that nobody knew about. And I can't let anyone know about this silly stupid crush. In which a photographer is in love with a softball player.

Wait! Love?

No no. That can't be right. Sure she's beautiful and amazing. She's talented and gifted. But surely I couldn't love her.

No but you do love her Camila. You've been in love with her since day one. Since the day you became a freshman and she became a sophomore. Since the day you started looking at her differently and loving all her flaws.

But I couldn't love her. It just wasn't right.

"Are you Cabello?" She asked me and I slowly nodded, "Good. I've heard you're great at capturing art with a small box."

"You can say that," I slowly nodded again and my eyes took to the floor. "People tell me I have a way in capturing art and beauty with this small box, yes."

"I see," I felt her eyes burn into me. "But is the ground more beautiful than me?"

My head quickly shot up. "O-of course not!" A blush quickly followed as I looked at the floor again.

"If it isn't, then why does the floor have more attention than I do?" I could feel her eyes burning into me even more.

What do I say? Think Cabello! You're smart use your brain!

"Your beauty doesn't compare to the floor nor others," I slowly said. "You have an amazing and beautiful way of expressing your ways of speaking and thinking. You stand up for what you believe and not afraid of fighting for it. That's why people are always trying to be like you."

"Then why keep looking at the ground then? Do I intimidate you? Is that it then?" She started walk a little closer. "If that's your way of thinking, I wonder how smart you are."

"No," I barely whispered. "My way of thinking is quite obvious, really. Plain and simple."

She lifted my chin with a finger and forced me to look at her. "Then what is it," I could feel the hot air hit my face everytime she would breath out. "What is then."

My eyes wander around until they were caught by green ones. They were so beautiful. Would beautiful even describe them? No. They're more than just mere beautiful. There's something else in there. I just can't find words to describe them.

"You're beautiful." Did I really just say that? Oh great now I've made a fool of myself. Great job Camila.

"I- um thank you," she let go of my chin and took a step back. What have I done now?

"I'll be going now. But I- t-tomorrow I have a game and I-I was wondering if y-you could go?" She's cute when she rambles.

"It's my job to go anyways," I pointed to my camera that was hanging from my neck. "I'm a photographer. It's my job to take pictures of art, or so they say."

A small blush was form on her cheeks but she played it off. "Good! So I'll be seeing you tomorrow then?"

"You don't even have to ask." I smiled.

"Great! I mean okay, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then." She kissed my cheek. Stun from the mere kiss. I just stood there, like an idiot. American Idiot if you say so.

Maybe her days of being a flirt are over..


A/n part two will be out and about as soon as I have time. Don't forget to comment, vote and so on.

Songs that were used/mention:

Boulevard Of Broken Dreams by Green Day

American Idiot by Green Day


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