Darkness of the Night

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I had gone to Diagon Alley, and there were wanted posters everywhere. Everyone walked next to someone else, and people looked genuinely scared. Not many people were outside, most came and went by Floo. It amazed me to see how much one person could affect the entirety of Wizarding London. They were like little mice. Always scurrying about, scared of their surroundings, and fearing what will happen next.

I, however, wasn't like that.

I walked freely through the alley in the same proud manner that I always do. I did gain a few odd looks. I also got a few frowns from the people who knew of my relation to the 'mass murderer' on the loose. Most people held back from doing anything because they saw that that the Minister was walking next to me. He was there because he had business with a resident at The Leaky Cauldron, and I had scholl stuff to get. It was late, so most stores were closed, but I could still get potions ingredients from the Apothecary. Minister Fudge also said that I might like to see the aforementioned person, so we got the potions supplies and went to The Leaky Cauldron.

I sat in the pub while Minister Fudge went upstairs to find Tom who in turn would lead him to this person.

About ten minutes later, Minister Fudge came down.

With Harry.

I walked up to him as calmly as possible, and I hugged him. Once again, awkward, but I was so worried about him. He was a lot skinnier that when I last saw him. He looked like he did at the beginning of first year.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yes, Charlotte." He responded, feigning annoyance.

"I'm so sorry I didn't write to you very much. I was very busy."

"It's alright."

"How are you? Are your relatives treating you right? Oh, I wish you could come to my house, but the situation is com-"

"Charlotte, calm down. I'm alright for the first part."

"I hope you are. There is always something happening with you." I said, amused.

"Not my fault."

I gave him a look because that wasn't completely true. He caved.

"Alright, well, partially not my fault."

"Alright, are you going to Hogsmeade? I know your relatives hate all things magic, but surely signing a paper isn't so bad."

"No, they didn't sign it." He said, downcast.

"Did you talk to Minister Fudge about it. I'm sure he'll sign it for you. It isn't fair that your magic-hating relatives couldn't be convinced to sign a permission ship to go to a magical village."

"I talked to Fudge about it, but he denied. He said my guardians had to sign it and he couldn't do anything about it."

"Let me talk to him about it. That doesn't sound very right to me. I'm sure the Minister of Magic can sign permission to Hogsmeade. He signed mine, and our situation isn't very different."

"Ok, it's fine if you can't convince him. I could always try again next year."

"I hope that won't have to happen. Anyway, Harry, you need more clothes. Those oversized grey things drown you out. It makes you look so tiny. Why don't you go shopping?"

"I never have time to do it. I only leave the house once I'm going to get school supplies and go to school."

"Well, when you're not busy, you and I are going shopping. It's getting late, we both need sleep. I'll be back in three days at noon, so be ready. I'll see you then."

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