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Now when I say this, I MEAN it: this is not meant to be steryotypical.

Aries: a boy who is the jock but has respect even if he doesn't get along with everyone he meets, on the football team and is the star quarter-back.

Tautrus: the neat freak boy-tie boy who gets A+++++++ on everything.

Gemini: the girl that everyone has a cool vibe about although she is nowhere near being the "popular" girl.

Cancer: the "cool" girl that is not shy to show her feelings about anything and everything.

Leo: the boy that became valedictorian from fifth grade representative.

Virgo: the person that is quite and concerned and is the person who pays attention but dosen't try their hardest in school.

Libra: the girl that sits at the table with everyone and starts every trends in school.

Scorpio: is a really great soccer player, in all advanced classes with Gemini, but never gets a chance to prove anything.

Saggitarious: that kind of boy who is this yoga surrounded, save the earth and everything in it, love, peace and live.

Capricorn: the girl that u can tell not by even talking to her is emo. Her hair has red tips, chokers in all different colors and wears black all the time.

Pices: a girl that is very smart and is teachers pet.

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