School life

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        Here I am, another Monday, another five days of six hours of the place that drains your creativity out of your head and fills it with things that are useless to you like........math. 

Rigg ret 

Rigg ret

Rigg ret 

My alarm clock. That thing in the morning that you never want to hear and just want to smash it into millions of tiny pieces and wait to see if it still ticks.  Anyway, I dragged myself slowly out of bed. I was so tired because the day before i was over at my grandparent's house helping them with everything possible and impossible  to do outside. Never in my life have i been put through so much. 

I guess it is good training for my dream to be on Survivor, the show on CBS that puts people in the test of well i guess survival. (I always cry when my favorite character gets voted out or when the commercial for the season finale comes on. Its just like WWWHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Wow I am getting totally of topic. My diet has totally turned to a piece of bread as I run out the door, a turkey sandwich at lunch, and pasta at night. So, as typical mornings go, my bus comes in 15 mins and i still have to brush my teeth, comb my hair, get dressed and eat. Its only 6:00 in the  morning though!!!!

My bus is so annoying though. Its like nobody wants to touch each other because gosh forbid we have social interaction with each other. OH MY GOSH!!!!!! WHAT AN IDEA!!!!! So therefore, I have to sit with someone who I have never met before and then have a boring ride to the school when i can just have a good ride with someone and have a full on conversation. Oh well. 

Omg! I totally forgot to tell you my name. Its Gemini but my friends call me Gem. My best friend is Capricorn but everybody says we are totally different. She is apparently to everybody else "emo " because she wears black, has red tips, and always sits in the corner. But I see a beautiful, girl who i'm still trying to make confident. But a least she tells me everything I need to know every day. 

My school day starts out with walking into homeroom with the best teacher ever. Then I get to go to two of my favorite classes: Art or Chorus. Then my technology class is hysterical.  My technology teacher's name is Mr. Rosine. He is really smart and knows as everything about planes, trains, and boats. In his class we can make anything we want. Of course it cant be invented. So i am inventing a remote magnifier/holder. Capricorn made a basket ball hoop with a funnel on top of it. (please tell me if this is already invented please let me know; I was going for something new.) Some people are making things as small as a banana-cutter and as big as a pogo-stick that you sit on. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everybody was kung fu fighting 

Their kicks were as fast as..........sorry I had to get that out. 

Next class is Spanish and is a class and a half. My teacher is the coolest, chill teacher i have ever met. She lets us do whatever when we have group work.  

Then is the best class ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it so much that i would marry it and die with it.

Ok, maybe i'm going a little too far. But social studies with Mr. loenchin is awesome.   He is the best he even makes learning fun .

But NOW I'M LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

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