Chapter 2

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Maggie looked at him, eyeing the cup in his hand. "Did you find a cockroach in the coffee? Because I would definitely believe that."

Jenson shook his head impatiently. "No. Remember that dream I was telling you about this morning?"

"Vaguely. Something about killing demons?"

"I dreamt about a woman who was some kind of demon hunter. And just now, when I went up to pay for the gas and coffee, I saw that the woman behind the counter was the same woman from my dream! She looked exactly the same, just dressed differently. And then you know what she said to me? She said that she'd had a dream about me last night and that she and I were hunting demons, and that she almost killed me in the dream. That was exactly what happened in my dream! It's like we had the exact same dream in the same night! I've never even seen this woman before in my life!" Jenson was almost to the point of hysteria.

"What? That is unbelievable," Maggie agreed. "I don't even know what to say. She just came out and told you that as you were checking out?"


"Did you tell her that you had the same dream?"

"No. I thought she might think I was making fun of her or messing with her if I did. But she mentioned something about remote viewing. Have you ever heard of that?" Jenson wondered.

"Is that where you see other places, like a psychic or something?"

"I don't know. I've never heard of it before," Jenson said. "I've got to say, though, that my interest is peaked. I want to find out more about this. What could this mean? Could I be psychic?"

Maggie raised one eyebrow. "It's pretty crazy, I'll admit, but I don't know about you being psychic. Besides, how would you even find out more about it? It was one strange occurrence."

"When we get back home, I want to research it online. I want to see if anyone else has had anything like this happen to them. I want to know if it's something psychic, or paranormal, or if there are any theories out there about something like this."

"Great, but let's worry about it later. We're half an hour behind schedule right now. We should get going," she urged.

Jenson spent the rest of the trip lost in his own thoughts, wondering how two strangers could end up in the same dream at the same time. He was bothered by Maggie's borderline indifference toward the situation. How could she not be rattled by this? It was the strangest thing that had ever happened to him. His head was spinning with the possibilities, but he shared none of his ideas with her. Was it possible that he was psychic, and that the dream wasn't actually his own? But he had been a part of it. It wasn't like he was just dropping in and watching someone else's dream. Or maybe he did drop in on her dream, and when he did so, he altered it somehow by putting himself into it. By the time Jenson arrived to the restaurant where his grandfather's birthday party was being held, his head was reeling from more than just the migraine.

He and Maggie hurried into the restaurant, as they were over thirty minutes late for the party. When they walked into the back room where his family had congregated, Jenson was relieved to see that there were two open chairs for them at the long banquet table. He quickly wished his grandfather a happy birthday, then took his seat next to Maggie, as she had already settled in next to his tall, red-headed mother, Carla.

"Sorry we're late," he apologized to his mother as he sat. "We had a late start this morning."

"That's fine. The servers haven't even been back here to take our orders yet," Carla said. "So how was the trip? You look ill, Jenson. Are you alright?"

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