Chapter 11

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Your POV

I woke up the next morning. I looked around my room. I stretched and got up. Grabbing some clothes, I went to the bathroom and got dressed. I did my hair.

There was a window just opposite of the mirror. I looked in the mirror. A shadow moved in front of the curtain. It was in the corner of my eye, so I wasn't sure. I jumped.

Thinking it was just a bird, I continued. I walked out and stopped in my tracks. On my nightstand I saw a book. I then remembered that I found it last night.

I picked it up. I put it in my bag. There was a woman in the local nursing home that lived in this home when she was a girl.

I headed downstairs and outside. I decided to head over to the nursing home and ask about the book.
===Quick Time Skip===
I stepped inside the nursing home and walked up to the nurses station.

"Hi, how can I help you?" The nurse that was there smiled at me.

"Hi. I'm here to see a woman named Lucy Smith. Is she here?"

The nurse nods. "She's in room 7 on this floor." She pointed down a hallway.

"Thanks." I walked to the room. I peeked inside. The room was black with a single TV on static.

"Ms. Smith?" I called inside.

"Come in. And close the door, will you please?"

I did as she did. I saw her in a chair.

"Please sit there." She pointed to a chair beside her.

I sat in the chair. "Hello Ms. Smith. I'm Y/N. I live in your childhood house. I came to ask you about something."

She nodded. "What is it child?"

I pulled out the book. "I found this in the attic."

Her face went pale, I could see it in the dark. "That book catalogs all the evils in this world. It can't be opened. It must be hidden."

I stared at her. "Hidden? Why not destroy it?"

"It's not made in this world." She pauses. "It was given to me as a child. If you don't mind a long story, I'll tell you everything about my childhood, that book, and those woods."

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