Untold Secrets

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After the incident, I've been staying with Braelynn and Lloyd crashing on their couch for a couple weeks. I hadn't heard from Jeane since that night laying on our bedroom floor. We were all sitting on the sectional watching a movie waiting on Domino's to hurry up or else that shit was bout to be free. loll. We heard someone knocking at the door so I grabbed the money off the counter and ran to the door. When I opened it, it wasn't the pizza man it was Jeane...


"Please, Adiel let me explain." He said trying to calm me down.

Lloyd ran up to the door to see what the commotion was.

"YO ! What's good bro you back for more?" Lloyd said.

"No chill I just came to talk." Jeane said.

"Well Adi doesn't feel like talking!" Lloyd blurted.

As we were arguing the pizza man walked up cautiously and Braelynn walked up to the door cause she heard the pizza man.

"You're late buddy so its free gimme the damn box." Braelynn said grabbing the box while giving Jeane an evil look.

"How did you know where I was anyway J." I asked.

"I tracked your phone..." Jeane said hesitating.

"Wow that's not creepy at all... do I need to get a restraining order on you?" I asked.

"No that won't be necessary I just wanted to talk to you and you're not returning my calls."

He grabbed me and pulled me outside and shut the door. I told Lloyd it was okay. Jeane tried to hug me and kiss my neck. I pushed him back repeatedly.

"What tf is wrong with you, you said you wanted to talk to me then talk cause if not I'm going back inside."

"Chill out bae" Jeane said smoothly trying to woo me.

"No Jeane. I'm serious start talking or I'm leaving."

"Okay, okay, okay, I want to start by apologizing. I'm sorry bae I truly am. I didn't mean for things to turn out like this..." Jeane pleaded.

"You know what? To be real with you I really don't care for your apologies they're full of shit anyway, just like you, you made your decision when you decided to cheat on me I told you when we first started talking I don't tolerate cheating AT ALL." I said.

"Nah you ain't finna talk to me like I'm crazy you better calm tf down.. It's your fault I cheated anyway!"

"How tf did I make you cheat on me, that sound like some fucked up shit and I talking to you like this cause you know I'm crazy" I said as I pulled my blade out of my back pocket holding it up to his neck.

Braelynn comes out the door to see what was going on, and pulled me back before I slit his throat and told him to leave right now before she called the cops.
He walked away and we went back inside and started eating the pizza that we had to reheat because of the wait.

A couple days later Lloyd and I were sitting on the couch and Braelynn was at work. I was still upset about Jeane and his accusations. Lloyd was trying to find ways to cheer me up. He kept asking me all these questions like how all niggas seem to treat me wrong even though I don't do anything, and how he hopes I can be happy one day with someone to love. All these questions were starting to feel a little close to home considering it coming from Lloyd.

Just even talking about what happened caused me to burst into tears, when I did Lloyd scooched closer to me and wrapped his arms around me trying to comfort me, telling me everything was going to be okay. He smelled so good... but I couldn't possibly like Lloyd like come on that's my bestfriends boyfriend... I can't do that to her. We've been friends since elementary school.

He leaned down and kissed me on my forehead and whispers.

"Its all going to be okay, I got you."

"Uhm what are you doing..?" I questioned.

"Nothing just comforting you, why? Did I do something wrong?" He said as he leaned in and tried to kiss me.

"Back up Lloyd you know you're my bestfriends boyfriend and I can't do that right??"

"Come on Its only us two here and Brae isn't going to be home for another 2 hours... we got time"

He pressed his lips against mine. I gave in too, but quickly pushed him back and questioned myself like what am I doing... hes like a brother to me and I can't hurt her like that. I jumped up and ran out the house.

"Wait! I'm sorry!" Lloyd shouted.

"OMG what the fuck did he just try with me?!" I thought to myself. I started walking down the street to this little quiet bar one of my friends works as a bartender, I liked to go to whenever I wanted to get my mind off things. I walked in and my friend could tell already by my face that I needed a drink.

"What's wrong Adi" She asked. I told her what happened and she gave me her input, telling me not to tell anyone because that could only cause drama and it would only be his word against mine whether he wants to deny it or not. I agreed. Took a few shots and went back to bestfriends house hoping Lloyd wouldn't still be there. I was coming around the corner to her house and I see someone walking towards me I couldn't make it out who it was. I didn't know whether to keep walking that direction or just change my direction. I've seen enough movies to make my decision quickly, of course i changed my direction. I crossed the street and kept walking minding my business. I looked back to the other side of the street and didn't see anyone anymore. I started walking faster cause I was not about to play no games today. I even slipped my knife out and held it ready just in case anyone wanted to get stupid on this very night. I could see the house just a few more feet away and I was safe. My sixth sense kicked in and I felt someone walking behind me. I didn't want to make any sudden moves or turn around cause like I said before I saw too many people die in movies for doing the same shit. So I played with my knife a little bit to let whoever it was know I'm skilled with a knife. There wasn't much distance left between me and the house so I thought to myself why not I can run the rest of the way. So I did. Whoever was behind me tried to run too. When I heard un-matching foot steps with mine, I jerked to the side turned around and held out my knife. It was Jeanes little bitch trying to mug me. He came at me I had no other choice but to defend myself. I punched him in his bitch-made face with my right hand and then jabbed the knife at him hoping to break skin. This mf had brass knuckles on I'm glad I noticed it and dodged at the last minute. I took another slice at his neck this time and nicked him good. After a few rounds of us two brawling, out of nowhere I saw a quick flash of white and then blacked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2015 ⏰

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