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Y/N's P.O.V

As I walked into university I couldn't help over hearing the squeals and yells of the girls. I heard a few of them say the name 'Cameron Dallas' but I shrugged it off thinking it was just another movie he might have put out.

I walked to my english literature class and scanned the room look for my best friend Francessca. I made my way up and sat in the seat next to her.

"Hey babes." She smiled hugging me.

"Hey Fran, do you know why everyone is talking about Cameron Dallas" I asked reaching into my bag to grab my text books.

"He's starting at our school." She smirked.

"Whats he doing?"

"English literature and drama. Apparently he-" She started but the room fell silent as the wooden door closed. It was Cameron. All eyes were on him as he made his way up to take a seat.

"Is anyone sat here?" He smiled. I just shook my head no. He sat down next to me and I felt his eyes burning into as I looked forward trying to listen to my lecture. I felt a little uncomfortable since he was extremly attractive and probably the boy of my dreams. This was going to be a long lesson...


It was finally the end of english and I had the next period free. I was walking through the hall way alone because Fran had another lesson or she was meeting her boy friend or something, I wasn't listening.

"Y/N! Wait up." I heard someone yell. I turned my head seeing none other than Cameron.

"Hey." I gave him a small.

"Hey." He breathed, "Have you got a free period?"

"Yeah actually, I was just heading out." I said slowly walking with him.

"Do you mind if I hang with you since you're the only one that hasn't freaked out about me and you're the only one who's name I know." He chuckled rubbing the back of his neck. The look he gave me I almost melted.

"Sure." I said but it ended up a bit too high pitched. Cameron laughed making me laugh too.

"I know a great ice-cream parlor just around the corner." He said holding the door open for me.

"Sounds great."

We had been walking for a few minutes when I heard clicking almost like the sound of cameras going off. I turned my head seeing 3 or 4 papparazzi taking pictures of us.

"Shit." Cameron cused, "We're already here anyway." He said grabbing my hand and pulling me into the parlor.

"Who were those?" I questioned looking around to make sure they hadn't followed us.

"I don't know but there's going to be a new story on the cover of a gossip magazine by tomorrow morning." He sighed rolling his eyes, "I'm really sorry about this."

"No it's fine. I guess that's what you get for being famous."

"Yeah." He laughed. We ordered our ice-cream and sat down in a booth.

"There's a party happening tonight at the frat house, do you want to come?" I said as casual as possible.

"Sure what time?"

"9:30 till when ever people leave." I said eating.

"Yeah ok." He smiled. We finished and got up.

"Urgh it's raining." I groaned cursing my choice of clothes; shorts and a tank top.

"Have my jacket." He offered handing me his jacket.

"No! I can't I'll feel wrong."

"Well then lets share." He smirked raising his jacket above his shoulders.

"Ok." I sighed wrapping my right arm around his torso and getting under his jacket. We walked out seeing a swarm of papparazzi.

"Run!" Cameron laughed as we broke out into a sprint.

We reached the gates as we breathed hard. We started laughing randomly as we found eachother standing infront of each other only centremetres apart.

"Ya know you're a pretty cool girl." He smirked his face inching closer to mine.

"Really?" I questioned. He nodded biting his lip. His face was so close our lips were almost touching.

"Y/N!Y/N! Where have you been I've been looking for you for forever!" Francesca yelled walking towards us. We pulled back and I turned around seeing my best friend and her boy friend.

"Uhh I was just with Cameron." I whispered feeling my cheeka heating up.

"Well ok but you could've at least answered your damn phone." She rolled her eyes, "Anyway we need to go to maths." She grabbed my hand dragging me away with her.

I turned around seeing Cameron smirking at me, I gave him a small wave before he was swept away by the many students making their way to their lessons.


A/N: Hey guys this is my first book and I want to say thank you for reading x Please comment if you liked this chapter x

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2015 ⏰

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