I'm in Love with my Best Friend's Sister?

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I don't own Ninjago!

~Recap~She stood up, took a step back and waved her hand over the crack. It mended itself, and looked good as new. Kai looked at her smiling while Cole tried to hide in the shadows. But she noticed him. "Cole?"

Crystal PoV
Tomorrow's my birthday but today's my brother's. I haven't seen him since I became Queen. I missed him so much but I have to stay here cause I'm the Heart. I noticed the walls had turned green meaning someone got vaulted over the walk. I walk out to the terrace to watch. I heard a girl scream of terror. (Jay) I count how many tornados light up during one wave. 8, people just entered Diana and at least one is new and wasn't expecting the way you get into our walls. I sensed that everyone who is supposed to be in Diana is within our walls. 2 minutes after the new arrivals were done. I press my hand against the side of the tower. The walls flash my favorite shade of purple. I silently count to 10. Then, jump. Whenever I get really bored or my friends aren't around I jump so the kids can work on their skills. It's not a good idea to jump unless you can save yourself in something goes wrong. I don't think DJ realizes that I can and sometimes Lily's not much better. They usually treat me like I'm a princess. And not the I can do Anything Disney-type princess. No, they treat me like the weak, couldn't do anything if her life depended on it type prissy princess. Heck, I only have 2 friends who don't doubt me, Nya and Alexis, but Nya new and DJ doesn't fully trust her judgments yet. And Alexis, well she's not exactly able to help anyone at the moment. So anytime I have a chance to do something fun and actually exciting I take it. Everyone is getting really good at their moves, which is really good with how Ninjago's doing right now with the Shadow Army invading. The moment I heard about the attacks I wanted to help but That would violate the treaty and I will not be the one to do that but if they attack us first or goes on our turf, nothing stopping me. I snapped out of my thoughts as I got awkwardly bounced by a Blue tornado. It shocked me. No one that used Lighting and knew Spinjustu ever wore that shade of blue so they had to be new. Same with the one after Lily, his was slightly less jarring, but his still was weird. Both the throw and and his element. It was like some mashed multiple people together but didn't at the same time. The one after Nya felt strange but familiar. His was fire, but it didn't burn me, just seemed to banish the chill from the night air. Then, I was passed to DJ, who bounced me to another new one. His bounce was actually not bad, and he's element was Ice, which isn't a very common Element, nor is it easy to master but he seems pretty good at it. He chilled me slightly but it's nothing a jacket can't fix. He passed me to SJ who passed me to the Last one. This one was really strong and ended up bouncing me 30 feet up. But during the 3 seconds of contact, I felt something on the back of my neck tingle. His element is earth, simply soil and rock, fairly common element but like the red one, his felt very familiar. Like I should know it but just don't. I use a flag pole to help get rid of some momentum but not enough. I let my momentum carry me near a building but before I hit I grab the top bar of a Lamppost I'm able to reverse the momentum and let go. The ground slightly cracked when I landed. I take a step back and repair it. I look around and my friends realize the Expert jumper they just bounced was me. DJ looked surprised that I handle the last part so well. Lily and Nya just try not to laugh at her expression. I look at the new guys. They're all wearing old, dirty gi's that looked like they haven't been washed is weeks though you could still could tell what color they were. All of them had their masks on. I noticed red guy, standing there arms slightly open for a hug. I'm about to ask him to remove his mask. When I noticed someone trying to sneak away in the shadows. Someone whom I hadn't seen in a very long time. "Cole?" I asked. He winced slightly at his discovery. "Hey, Crys...," is as far as he got before I hug-tackled him. "Oh my gosh, It's so good to see you!" I exclaimed hugging him tighter, tears pooling in my eyes. I pull back slightly and realize he's almost half a foot taller than me now. DJ, clears her throat in annoyance. I roll my eyes but only Red sees it and seems suppresses a smile. I release Cole from the hug but still stand right next to so if he tries to make a run for it, I can grab his shirt or something. I just got him back, I'm not letting him go anytime soon. "Sorry, where are my manners? Guys, this is Cole, my..." Cole suddenly pushes me. I turn around, about to ask why he push me when I realized he just saved me from getting grabbed. Because in front of me and the rest of Diana, was part of the Shadow Army. INSIDE THE WALL!

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