Going to the infirmary in a dress

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"I'm livid, Poppy, livid." I hear, "I swear to god, I'm going to kill them. Honestly, I can't even-"

"Minerva!" Madam Pomfrey snaps, "You're an adult."

"So? He's just a boy."

Oh, Harry must've gotten hurt at the ball.

"And his sister, too? Shameful."

Harry doesn't have a sister? Who the hell are they so mad about.

I open my eyes and push myself off the bed, still in full Yule Ball dress.

"Oh god, how long?" I jump up, "Is everyone okay?"

"Get back in that bed right this moment!" Madam Pomfrey gasps, "Bed!"

"No way, I'm fine!" I protest, "I'm ruining Fred's night. Please let me go. Please please please."

"Fred? What do you think she should do?" McGonagall sighs.

"I think she should get back into bed." Fred laughs, "Come on. Do you really think I'd leave you here alone? Get back into bed."

"No, Fred, please, let's go dancing. I'll dance with you. I'm sorry this turned out to be an awful night." I grab his hand, pulling him off a chair he must've dragged to be by my bed, "The weird sisters didn't play your favorite song while we were there, maybe they're playing it now! We can still make the end!"

"I'm sorry, Angelina!" I hear before George bursts in.

"I just got the message from Ginny." He pants, "Wren, what the hell do you think you're doing out of bed?"

"Language- oh, never mind." McGonagall rolls her eyes, "She wants to go back to the dance."

"I'm ruining everything!" I shout, shoving past everyone and running out of the room, through the halls, and outside.

"Wren-" Hermione and Viktor stand when they see me, but I ignore them, running directly into the woods, my black shoes snapping twigs as I sprint towards the other side of the lake.

"Oh my god!" I hear someone squeal, "Oh my god, put your shirt back on, I think that was a werewolf."

I ruin everything.

I reach the lake and collapse in the mud, ruining my dress.

I screw up everyone's lives.

I grab the mud and slam it back into the ground, sobbing.

What's the point of me?

"Are you happy, dad? You finally did it!" I scream into the air, letting the words float into the sky and poison the star, "You broke me!"

You were broken a long time ago, idiot, tape just gets weak and starts to peel off.

"Why?" I run my muddy hands into the air, "Why?"

"I told you, you didn't talk about it. And now look at you. You're in the mud. Crying." An airy voice chimes in, "Oh, Wren. You're such a nice girl."

"No I'm not!" I scowl, "Why are you even here? Everyone thinks you're weird. They call you Loony Lovegood and take your shoes. They laugh at you. At your family. Why don't you go ballistic?"

"Because." She smiles, "Wren, they don't matter. They can't choose my personality. They can't choose my family. They can't change my future with their words."

"Okay? So why are you so weird, then?" I snarl, not bothering to look at her, "Why don't you change and make friends?"

"Friends I have to change for aren't real friends." She sighs, "Fred and George never asked you to change-"

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