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My heat had drastically dissipated the next morning but I knew it would be a few days till it was fully over. I was able to work through it and I was back at my desk as soon as I was able. I had just finished the last file from yesterday when the phone rang.

"Alpha Isobel Calder speaking, how-"

"You marked me," Benjamin cut me off, growling lowly.

"I think you're mistaken." I denied, lying.

"Do you take me for an idiot?" He hissed.

"Maybe it was another girl, how am I to know what you get up to in your spare time," I reclined in my chair, making it up as I went along.

"I cannot believe you. This is ridiculous. Just accept that we're mates and we can move on with our lives."

"And I can't believe you. I told you I didn't want a mate and you don't seem to understand that. Just leave me alone!" I was about to slam the phone down when he spoke,

"You're going to regret that."

As if.

I was having my weekly dinner with my parents that night when they brought up the Arctic pack.

"Isobel, you know the Arctic pack, right?" My mother asked, making me choke on my food a little.

"I am aware of it. Why?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Just that their new alpha has asked your father and I to lunch with them tomorrow. He suggested that we bring you, Luca and Mia," She said the whole thing so casually that it took a second to sink in. God, Benjamin was a sly bastard.

"I'm busy tomorrow so I don't think I'll be able to come," I quickly informed her.

"Nonsense, Is. It would be rude for you to decline." My father butted in with a stern voice. I let out a sigh, knowing that no matter what, I would be going to lunch tomorrow.

"Fine. Is Mia bringing the twins too?" I inquired about my sister's children. I didn't want them to come as Benjamin would recognise me from the day in the woods.

"Probably not. I think Marc is looking after them," My mother answered, referring to my sister's mate.

Lunch rolled around excruciatingly slowly. I just wanted it over and done with but I was so caught up with training and meetings all morning that took so long that I actually ended up running late. We drove there and, after a scolding from my mother for my unkempt hair, we were at the Clarke's front door.

Unsurprisingly, it was Benjamin that opened the door, a smug smile on his face. He welcomed us in, shaking my brother and father's hands whilst giving my mother and sister a kiss on the cheek. Not wanting to have his lips anywhere near me, I firmly stuck my hand out for him to shake. Benjamin glanced at it for a mere second with a smirk before grabbing it and pulling me to him where he laid a kiss just behind my ear and whispered,

"I told you you'd regret it,"

I ignored his statement, pushing him away as politely as possible and greeting his parents.

The meal was awkward, me making very little conversation as I was acutely aware of Benjamin sitting right next to me. The mate bond was acting up and making my diminished heat reappear more strongly.

"So, Isobel, do you have a mate?" Benjamin's mother asked me halfway through.

"I don't. I'll leave the cute pups to my sister," I tried to redirect the attention towards Mia but my father decided to intervene.

"And do you have your luna yet, Benjamin?" There was a long pause of silence after he spoke.

"As a matter of fact, I do. However, it is very early days and we're still working things out. She's rather stubborn." He smiled before casually slinging his arm round the back of my chair. Meanwhile my heart rate had increased tenfold and Luca was looking at me concernedly. My eyes widened at him and he deftly changed the subject. I shot a quick glare at Benjamin, implying that he should remove his arm from my chair now, but instead he started softly stroking the nape of my neck. I twitched away from him, despite how my wolf howled, and managed to appear as normal as possible.

"Isobel and I have some pack business to discuss so we will have to excuse ourselves, sorry." Benjamin spoke up during a lull in conversation. My head rapidly turned to face him, highly confused. But I didn't get a chance to protest as he offered me his hand and everyone was staring. Quickly, I grabbed it, ignored the mate bond and followed him out of the room.

"May I ask what this pack business is about?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, removing my hand from his. Instead of answering, Benjamin led me down the hall, presumably expecting me to follow. Annoyingly, curiosity got the better of me and I trailed behind him until we got to his office.

"Look what you've done, Isobel." His voice was cold as he shut the door, dragging down the collar of his t-shirt so that it exposed the mark I had given him. It contrasted beautifully against his skin and my wolf was immediately pining to touch it, to kiss it.

"And what do you want me to do about it?" I sighed, moving away from him so I wouldn't be tempted.

"I don't give a damn what you do just as long as you do something! My wolf is going to die without you!" Benjamin snapped, cupping my face in his hands. "Do you feel that? That heat when we touch?" Hesitantly, I nodded. "It's ten times stronger for me now. I want to touch you constantly and I can't. Isobel, it's killing me,"

"Please don't do this to me, Benjamin," I whispered, removing his hands from my face and backing away. "Let me think about it at least." After a long moment, he nodded his head reluctantly. I turned around and began making my way back to the dining room.

The evening didn't last much longer; I think my mother could tell that something wasn't quite right although she probably thought it was to do with a pack dispute. When we got back, I threw myself into work, preparing for the birth of a new pack member. It was all a pointless distraction because as soon as I laid down in bed, my mind was filled with nothing but Benjamin.

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