Chapter 1

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Please don't come in my room tonight. I just wan't some sleep. I lay in my room praying that the doorknob does not turn. And just when I think I am home free, it turns.

I bolt upright, sweat dripping down my face. Just a dream, Taylor. Im safe. I get up from my bed to get something to drink from the bathroom. When I turn on the light I look at myself in the mirror. Not much to look at really, with my waist length black hair that frames my heart-shaped face and green eyes, average height. I turn to leave the bathroom. Its been 4 years now, and I am still having these nightmares. Ugh. I lay back down on my bed, thinking of how I got like this. If he had of never done that to me, I would be okay and my mom would be happy and stop hating me for ruining her life. I'm sorry mom. Sleep eventually takes me under.


"Get up Taylor!" Huh? "Don't make me get the water so you will get up!" Oh its my mom. I slowly blink open my eyes. Gosh, I hate Mondays. When I sit upright in my bed I take a look at my mother, Carol. She is gorgeous. With her bottle blond hair and blue eyes. Just perfect. I just got my face from my mother, I got the rest of my looks from my father.

" 'Bout time" she exclaims and leaves me to get dressed. 20 minutes later, once I am done, I go downstairs. " Morning Mom. Can you drive me to school today or am I going to have to drive myself?" My mom is in the living room, drinking, should've known. "Never mind mom. I'll drive myself." I go to grab the keys off the table when mom says, " Don't forget to get the fucking gas this time, Taylor." I nod my head and head out the door.

When I arrive at school, my best friend Toni Locks, greats me as always. "Hey babe! Ohmigosh, you would not believe what Mark got me! He is such a sweetie!" I tune him out and his new boyfriend of the month. Toni is beautiful. Sandy blonde hair, light green eyes and a nice athletic build. He has been my friend since 8th grade. He's such a caring friend. And he is the only one that knows wha-

" Taylor! Have you not heard a word I said?" he seems pissed. "Oh, uh, yeah, yeah, I've heard you. Sorry, I didn't sleep good last night." Stupid nightmares!

"Oh I'm sorry babe! Wanna talk about it?"

"No, its just the same one I always have." Toni leans in to give me a hug. I hug him back. When I pull back, the bell rings.

"Lets go Toni. I can't be late for this class again."

Once we get in class, I take my seat and Toni take his behind me.

"Morning Class."My teacher Mr.Crawford tells us. I tune him out of look out the window. When something the teacher says catches my attention back.

Caleb Jones, the quarter back for Riverdale High, just entered my class. God, he is so hot. With his shaggy brown hair. Oh, and those beautiful blue eyes.

I've had a crush of Caleb since he moved two houses down from mine. To bad he is totally taken. I snap out of my thoughts when the teacher tells Caleb to come sit it the desk in front of me. My face immiediatly heats up. Oh gosh I hate Mondays!

"Hey I'm Caleb, and you must be Taylor." How did he know my name? "Um, how'd you know my name?" He chuckles. At me. So infuriating. "The teacher said your name when he told me to sit in front of you." Oh. I hope he doesn't notice my face. "Oh, um, Hi" He smiles and turns back around. Dear god, this is going to be a long day.

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