Drowning in Your Affection

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It's been 2 months since Mark and Jack have been dating. The two loved each other very much, and they had already told their fans. Of course, this lead to a huge uproar in their fandoms. Most of the reactions were good, not to mention hilarious.

Jack was finally able to move in with Mark. It sounds great, which it is! But it's a little awkward, since Mark lives with 3 other people: Matt, Daniel, and Ryan (Cyndago).

The Cyndago guys were all very supportive, but of course, they would occasionally tease Jack and Mark, just for friendly jokes.


Mark yawned and stretched his arms out, smiling when he saw Jack snuggled up against his chest.

The two were laying together in their bed, cuddled up under the blanket, laying on multiple pillows (most of them saying: "Inhale My Dong" or "Like a Boss").

Jack was still sleeping, his head resting on Mark's chest with a faint, subconscious smile. Mark chuckled and gently pulled his Irish boyfriend up more, kissing his forehead softly.

After a few seconds, Jack yawned and rubbed his eyes, smiling when he saw Mark "mornin' Markimoo!" He said with his cheery, Irish accent.

Mark smiled back and nuzzled the side of his face "morning Jackarooney! Sleep well?".

Jack nodded "Yeah. You?".

Mark also nodded "yep" he replied simply, kissing Jack's nose with a smile.

Jack giggled happily with a faint blush "Welp, I'm starving! Time for you to make breakfast!" He stated, sitting up away from Mark's kisses, lovingly teasing him.

Mark chuckled and sat up next to him "Pssh, no. We all agreed yesterday that Matt was gonna do it".

Jack shrugged "your pancakes are amazing though!"

Mark smirked "What? You mean after I pour them on my chest?" He teased, referring to that "#SexyMark" video he did with Ryan and Daniel.

Jack blushed and rolled his blue eyes, playfully shoving Mark's shoulder "you wish" he teased back with a smile "now c'mon! My stomach is gonna start digesting itself".

Mark laughed and nodded, the two getting up out of bed and leaving their room, heading for the kitchen.

After eating breakfast with the Cyndago guys, Mark and Jack went out for a walk, wanting to celebrate their 2 month 'anniversary' of being together.


Mark and Jack walked down the sidewalk, holding hands and laughing at each other's jokes. Chatting about YouTube video ideas and upcoming conventions.

After walking around, the two stumbled upon a beautiful lake, with a dock over it. To their luck, no one was there, giving them privacy.

Mark smiled and pulled Jack over to the dock, walking to the edge and sitting down, their legs hanging off.

Jack wrapped his arm around Mark's waist, resting his head against his shoulder lightly "this is pretty cliche" he teased with a smile.

Mark chuckled "Your face is cliche".

Jack laughed "Wow, you're so clever!" He replied with loving sarcasm.

Mark smiled and gently kissed Jack's lips,  with Jack happily returning the sweet kiss.

After a few moments, Mark slowly pulled away "love ya".

Jack smiled "love you too, you goober".


The two sat there, talking contently as the sky started to form dark thunder clouds.

Mark sighed after he looked up at the sky "Urgh... It never rains out here. Why does it have to now?".

Jack shrugged "I like the rain. The rain has feelings, you know".

Mark rolled his eyes with a faint smile "C'mon, we should go back home ".

Jack nodded, being helped up to his feet by Mark, the two jolting in surprise when distant lightning smacked the sky.

The two laughed the simple scare off, starting to walk away when another lightning strike hit, but this time, out of complete bad luck, it actually struck the wooden dock.

This dock was fairly old, and needed to be replaced. The sudden strike off lightning caused the dock to break, and light on fire.

"AH! MARK!" Jack suddenly shouted in terror. Mark's eyes widened in horror as he watched Jack fall through the dock, sinking into the deep water of the lake. Signs around the body of water warning: "DO NOT SWIM."

"JACK!!" Mark cried desperately, his Irish lover sinking under the surface of the water.

Mark immediately jumped into the lake, passing the fire that covered the wooden dock.

Jack continued to sink, his struggles to the surface pulling him under faster, slowly making his vision fade to black. "M-Mark..."  He thought, slowly closing his eyes as he lost the desperate need to breathe, falling unconscious.

Mark could barely see anything after going underwater. The storm made everything so dark.

The dark-haired gamer frantically swam under his eyes widening when he finally saw Jack. He swam down after him and grabbed him, pulling him up by his hoodie.

Mark gasped for air as he surfaced, swimming away from the dock and back to the grassy earth, pulling Jack up out of the water.

Mark panted and coughed out water, being completely soaked as buckets of rain poured down onto the two.

"JACK?!! JACK PLEASE!!" Mark shouted his lover's name in total fear, holding him close as he wiped the water off Jack's face.

Mark couldn't tell if Jack was breathing or not, and he didn't know any forms of CPR.

Mark pulled Jack closer, hugging him tightly as he cried desperately into his shoulder "P-please Jack... I...I can't lose you" he whimpered painfully.

Mark has lost so many people in his life. The most tragic being his dad. After that horrible loss, he couldn't take losing anymore of his loved ones.

Suddenly, Jack coughed and gagged, spitting out water as he gasped desperately for air, widening his eyes open.

"JACK!" Mark cried, littering his boyfriend's face with multiple soft kisses.

"M-Mark" Jack coughed weakly, giving a faint and tired smile.

Mark smiled back sadly, tears racing down his face "I-I th-thought I lost you" he whimpered, nuzzling Jack's face gently.

Jack kissed Mark's face "it's ok, Mark. Y-You saved me. I owe you everything".

Mark kissed Jack's lips deeply, pulling away after a few moments " you don't owe me anything. I love you so much".

Jack smiled and hugged Mark tightly " I love you too, Mark ".

After that, the two composed themselves and hurried back home, putting dry clothes on and deciding to just cuddle on their bed for the day.

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