Kisses to Ease the Pain

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(SO SO SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT!!! Daniel Kyre's lost and school got me held back from writing stories....but I feel a lot better now!)

(Also, I know I said this one was gonna be happy.....BUUUT I couldn't help myself. It's bittersweet/sad....SO ENJOY)

(One more thing: this whole story is written in Mark's perspective)

"C'mon, c'monnnnn!" Jack was like an excited puppy, or an impatient child, but either way, it was so adorable. I chuckled softly. I was still eating breakfast, and Jack was super excited to go out and spend some time together "Chill out, Jack! I haven't even finished breakfast!". Jack sighed heavily "Ahhg!! You're taking forever, man!". The town's Fair opened yesterday, and I could tell that Jack really  wanted to go with me.

"Maybe you should take a shower while I eat, ok?" I told him with a calm voice and a smile. He let out an exaggerated groan and turned around, heading for the bathroom. I chuckled quietly to myself as I watched him stomp away. It made a little sense why he was being so impatient. This certain Fair was pretty popular, and was said to get pretty crowded, I know how much Jack hates waiting in long lines.

After I finished eating, Jack got out of the shower and redressed. I did the same, the both of us getting ready to go to the Fair.

It's been about 4 months since we started dating, but it's only been 1 month since Jack moved here from Ireland, so we haven't gotten the chance to do all that much. The Fair was the perfect opportunity for a fun date.

When we got there, it thankfully wasn't that crowded yet.

Jack and I immediately went around playing games, riding roller coasters, and eating food, which we both paid for equally. We stayed there for ours having a lot of fun, simply enjoying each others company.

I held Jack's hand as we walked out of one of the rides "Ehhh....that one was too fast..." Jack groaned in a daze. I laughed a little "There's nothing to please you, is there?" I teased with a smile. Jack frowned and lightly punched my arm. "Ow!" I joked, pretending to be in more pain than I actually was. Jack sighed a little and rolled his blue eyes. I smiled lovingly and kissed the side of his face, keeping a wide smile as I felt his face heat up against my lips.

"M-Mark...people might stare" He murmured. I chuckled a little and continued the soft kisses "It's ok, Jack. They won't mind" I told him quietly before pulling away, only because his face was a brighter red than an apple.

Jack sighed softly and looked around "So....what do you wanna do next?" he asked with a soft smile. I opened my mouth to respond to the slightly smaller male, but shut it when I realized something "You can pick this time! I picked the last ride". Jack smiled brightly "Ok~!" he turned his head a little, looking around as we walked to find another ride.

I suddenly got this weird urge to look at my phone, I guess my subconscious was checking the time, or maybe I was just trying to pass it while I waited for Jack to pick the next ride. My eyes widened as I read the most recent News Report, seeing that there had been a jailbreak around this exact area, and any bystanders should be on the lookout for an escaped murderer.

"Mark? You ok?" Jack's concerned voice snapped me out of my trance. "Oh, uh...yeah! Sorry, I was just daydreaming" I lied, shoving my phone back into my pocket. I didn't want to worry him, he was having so much fun "Um, maybe we can just ride one more coaster...or play one last game...". Jack gave a confused expression "Huh? Why?".

I sighed softly "It's starting to get pretty late..." at least that was true, "we can watch movies back at home. Just you and me" I gave him a reassuring smile. He smiled back with a little sigh "Ok...just one more ride. C'mon, I know a good one!".

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2015 ⏰

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