Pure Joy

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The afternoon sun lit the turquoise-painted room, she leaned over and looked at them with great affection. Her heart fluttered with pride. She can't help but shed a few tears of joy at her view. 

 The door opened ajar and revealed a handsome man wearing his gentle smile. Ever since that day, his smile never faded, well, except those moments that he had difficulty calming them.

 She acknowledged his presence with a warm smile and extended her hand by which he willingly accepted. He placed his arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer to him. 

 "They're so beautiful" she said 

"They truly are. Thank you for bringing them into this world, Eun Gi-ah" the man looked at his wife lovingly and placed a kiss on her left cheek. 

 "I love you, Maroo" they rested their foreheads against each other before setting their attention on the sleeping form of their two beautiful babies. 

 After everything that happened, they deserve this joy right?  

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