A Quiet Afternoon

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The curtains gently swayed as the afternoon wind entered the Kang residence. It was time for the twin's nap, and after Eun Gi has placed the sleeping Chae Woo in the crib it was Chae Mi's turn to be cuddled and rocked to sleep.

Eun Gi placed a kiss on her daughter's forehead. She hummed the lullaby that she sang every night to the twins. Chae Mi began to yawn but as it seemed like she's fighting off her sleep because she kept her eyes open and fixed on her mother.

"Yes my princess? Still not sleepy, are we?" Eun Gi cooed over her daughter as she showered her face with kisses. Chae Mi would giggle with her mother's doting.

Eun Gi's heart swelled with joy . She cannot seem to get used to having these two little angels. Even after seven months following their birth, she is still amazed at every move her children make - from their whimpers to their laughter. Just recently they started to learn to roll on their backs and reach out for things around them. Eun Gi and Maroo had to reposition some things in the room just so that their children won't be able to unintentionally break them.

Motherhood was never in Eun Gi's plan, not until she met Maroo. She smiles at the memory of confessing her love to Maroo, including her dreams of building a family and growing old with him. They went into such an arduous journey but everything paid off the moment they welcomed the twins into the world. From then on, she devoted herself to attending her family's needs. She makes it a point to wake up early in the morning to prepare Maroo's breakfast, although he insisted that she should just sleep a little longer because she has to take care of the twins the whole day. After her husband leaves for work, Eun Gi turns to taking care of the twins. It's definitely not an easy task, but she's loving every second of it.

"I'm home!" Eun Gi's smile widened upon hearing Maroo's voice. "Appa is here!" she whispered to Chae Mi who as if understanding her mother, smiled and cooed in response.

Maroo entered the room holding his doctor's bag and coat hanging on his arm. "There you are" he lovingly smiled at his little family. He placed his things on the sofa and approached Eun Gi to greet her with a kiss on the lips.

"You're home early. I was just trying lull Chae Mi to sleep, but I guess she can sense that her appa is coming."

"There weren't much patients today, besides I already relieved Dr. Kim's shift so I could take some time off. Here, let me try to put her to sleep" Maroo gently lifted Chae Mi from Eun Gi's arms and slowly rocked her. Eun Gi peeked over her daughter whose eyes are now fixed on Maroo.

"Were you waiting for me, my princess? You should take a nap first so you can grow up fast. We will play again later with your eomma and brother." Maroo kissed Chae Mi's forehead and patted her thigh. A few minutes later their daughter finally surrendered to sleep and now lay beside her brother in the crib. Maroo placed an arm around Eun Gi's shoulder.

"I want to live in this moment forever" Maroo whispered while still looking at his children.

"When did Kang Maroo become so sentimental?" Eun Gi looked at him quizzically.

"Why? Are you the only one who can be sentimental in this house?" Maroo smirked at his wife, as if challenging an argument.

"Ya, I did not say that!" she pinched his waist which startled Maroo. Eun Gi covered his mouth with her hand.

"You're too loud! You'll wake them up!" Eun Gi warned in a low tone.

"You were the one who pinched me. It's your fault." Maroo winced while rubbing his side.

"So, what will you do?"

"You have to pay for this!"

"Oh yeah? How?" Eun Gi challenged her husband. They might be nearing the age of forty but their antics could still be childish at times.

Maroo leaned closer to Eun Gi's face and whispered, "I believe this is not the right place to address this matter." Eun Gi blushed as she already knew what her husband meant. She playfully placed her hands over Maroo's chest and carefully loosened the first button of his top.

"You know, the twins won't be up for another two hours." Eun Gi seductively said near Maroo's ear.

"Then that will be just enough for us to 'settle' things" his hot breath on her nape were sending chills to down Eun Gi's spine.

"Shall we begin then?" The couple took a last look at their children. To their delight, they are still sound asleep. Hand in hand, they retreated to their room and spent the next hours proving to each other that even if their children are their first priority, they would still and forever be each other's solace.


Hello! I terribly miss EunMa, thus my muse inspired me to write this one. What do you think? How do you imagine EunMa's family life? I'd love to get your suggestions! <3

Have a great week ahead! XOXO

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