You & I

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Your pov

"Y/N can you come down here for a second?" my mother called from downstairs.

"Coming!" I yelled from upstairs. My boyfriend, Scott, just met my parents and let me tell you my mother and father are a pair that is hard to impress.  I got up placing my calculus book down on the other side of the bed walking downstairs. As my foot touched the end of the stairs I saw my parents sitting at the dinning room table. Oh no. "Um you called me?" I asked hesitantly walking over to the table.

"Yes sweetheart take a seat" my father answered motioning to the seat. My cold hands grabbed the seat pulling it out placing myself on it.

"Your father and I need to talk to you" my mother pipped up looking at me, peering back at my father every now and then.

"We dont want you dating Scott anymore" my fathers stern voice let out.

"WHAT!" I screamed standing up slamming my hands on the table. "THATS NOT FAIR!" I screamed again.

"Young lady do not talk to us with that tone!" my mothers sharp voice hissed. I rolled my eyes crossing my arms across my chest.

"Honey we are doing what's best for you," my fathers sickly sweet voice 'assured'. He placed his hand on my upper arm slightly. I nudged it away stepping back. "he is no good for you. He does not know what his priorities are. And that boy he always hangs out with does not make it better! Scott runs around all over town doing crazy stuff. He does not live by a schedule. And that young lady is something you need. A man that will make you happy that can support you financial and he needs to have good morals in life, not to mention Scott does not" my father ranted.

"So that's what this is about! Money? Are you kidding me! Mother, Father I don't care about money! I love him and he loves me! He might not be the most financial stable but I don't care! I don't love his money I love him! I'm sorry that not every relationship can be as perfect and happy as yours! I don't want to end up like you guys. Married to a trophy wife and married to money!" I screamed tears streaming down my face. I ran upstairs slamming my door locking it. I crawled into my bed grabbing my phone dialing Scott number. Pressing the call button it rang twice.

"Hello?" Scott's groggy voice sounded.

"Scott" my voice quivering. There was rustling on the other line like he was sitting up.

"Hey babe what's wrong?" his soothing voice asked. His voice could clear all the dark clouding in my world filling those spots with sun.

"I need you" I cried.

"Be there in 1" He returned hanging up the phone. I sniffles grabbing a box of tissues blowing my nose and attempted to dry my eyes. Which was no use since the tears kept falling.

Within 1 minute Scott appeared at my window knocking on it. I shuffled out of bed scurrying over to the window unlocking it letting my boyfriend in. He stepped into my room immediately engulfing me in a hug. His hand caressed my tear stained cheek. "What happened?" he asked his big brown puppy dog eyes looking into mine. I sat down on my purple bed explaining the whole situation to him.

"Babe," he began his eyes tearing up now too " nothing can come between you and I" he smiled. I laughed a little smiling at his cheesy attempt to include one direction into this. "I love you so much. Nobody can change that" He smiled kissing my forehead.

I grinned cheekily while he began to laugh knowing what I was going to say next "Not even the gods above can separate the two of us" I let out giggly. He laughed too shaking his head. "I love you too Scott McCall" I smiled instantly feeling better.

"I love you too Y/N  Y/L/N" he smiled back giddily landing a big kiss on my lips.

You & I,
We don't want to be like them
We can make it till the end
Nothing can come between
You & I,
Not even the gods above
Can separate the two of us
No nothing can come between
You & I.

-One Direction You & I

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