I've been tagged....

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I was tagged to do this challenge by averie_stilinski like a week ago and I was outting it off for the longest time but now I'm doing it! Here goes nothing..


1. You must post ALL rules.

2. You must tag 13 other people.

3. You must posy 13 facts about yourself.

4. You must answer 13 questions from whomever tagged you and 13 more.

5. "I don't do tags" is unacceptable.

6. Tag backs are acceptable.

7. You must be finished within a week or the person who tagged will remind you.

8. Be creative and have fun!!!

¡Fun Facts!

1. My name is paige.

2. I am the oldest of 4 girls (not including me).

3. I have never broken a bone in my ENTIRE life.

4. I can't tan, I am always pale.. literally always pale.

5. I can speak 3 different languages: english, sarcastic, and bitch.

6. My 2 favorite colors are blue and gray.

7. I listen to hard rock (i.e. like guns n' roses, AC-DC) or rap (i.e. Drake, Future)all depending on my mood.

8. I am a party animal and I'm not gonna lie about that ;)

9. I have straight medium length brown hair and green eyes.

10. I am currently obsessed with the show Supernatural (lets just take a moment for Sam and Dean please😍)

11. I am a Sophmore in High School.

12. I have never left the US.

13. I have 2 ear piercings on each ear and a cartilage and 3 snug piercings on my left ear.

¡Questions from tagger!

1. How I Met Your Mother or New Girl?

Uh new girl obviously

2. 4th favorite color?


3. Favorite 80s song?

Sweet Child O' Mine by Guns n' Roses or Livin' On A Prayer by Bon Jovi

4. Desired place to live?


5. What time do you usually wake up at?

Depends for school maybe like 5 or 5:30am but for the weekend 12-2 pm time frame

6. Marry Dylan O'Brien or marry Stiles Stilinski?

Cute adorable sarcastic Stiles Stilinski

7. Own Roscoe or own Scott's motorcycle?

Scott's bike because its bad ass

8. Last movie you watched?

Safe Haven

9. Favorite action movie?

Too many to name

10. What's under your bed right now?

Extra pillows and homework I never did

11. Dream car?

White range rover

12. Favorite breakfast food?


13. If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only bring one fruit, what would it be?

Kiwi's because its a cool name

¡My questions!

Stydia or Stalia?

Do you put you socks on inside out?

Top 5 favorite fandoms?

Fuck, marry, kill: Liam, Aiden, and Jackson?

Chimera or Kanima?

Would you rather hook up with Dylan O'Brien or date Liam who vowed celibacy until he's 26 years old?

Favorite book?

Yoga pants or leggings?

What was the last song you listened to?

Fuck, marry, kill: Dylan O, Daniel, or Tyler P?

What type of phone do you have?

What is your favorite clothing store?

Be Lydia's best friend and be popular or be best friends with Scott but hate Stiles and be a loser?

I tag...













Teen Wolf PreferencesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz